Day 56: 25/12/8
Took my time this morning and got up for the end of breakfast. It was actually a good breakfast- yogurt and fruit available!
I got ready then to go exploring but thought I'd skype home first. When I eventually got them it kept cutting out!
I walked to the bellavista area then (after passing some beggars looking for money) which is only down the road and got a ticket for a city tour bus. The guy told me where to get it but there was no sign or anything so I was quite dubious, but sure enough a bus pulled up! There were two other girls waiting. One was from australia and over here for work. She said she was followed the first time she was in Santiago, so that didn't make the place sound too good!
The tour was the usual hop on hop off type bus. I stayed on for the whole route cos I jus wanted to see what the place was like. In some areas there were people everywhere, it just seemed really chaotic. Then there were really big fancy buildings in the plaza de armas and la moneda (presidents house). Here there was a big statue of Bernardo O Higgins who was involved in independence or something- had to be Irish blood in that lad!! There were really big universities too. Then there was a business area with really tall high rise glass buildings which the locals have nicknamed Sanhattan. It does look like New York. There was also a massive really modern shopping centre and lots of high rise buildings being built. It seems to be an up and coming kind of city! It didn't strike me as one of he nicest places though. I don't even know why- just a bit too busy or something.
I got off again at the bellavista area. There's a place there called patio bellavista which has shops and bars and restaurant. I looked at the shops for a while and then had dinner. Also got a strawberry daiquiri for desert- haven't had one in a long time!! The waiter was very attentive telling me his name and everything if I needed anything. It was some big long name beginning with Ex.... He said it very quickly and then asked if I could pronounce it which I couldn't so he said just to call him x. I didnt need to call him anyway!!
After that went back to the hostel. It was quite a lazy day really but I'm coming back to Santiago in a few days so I didnt feel too pushed to so much!
I sorted my clothes and things before I go to Easter island tomorrow. I don't know how the wifi situation will be in the middle of the pacific ocean- in guessing not good! So you will probably have to wait until thurs morning to get any blogs. So Dad have a great birthday!!!
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