so its currently 18 days, 12 minutes and 8 seconds till departure.. argh!!! crazy.. still to much to do, but we're slowly getting there.
I finally bought my backpack, beanie and half my thermals and there are now only a few items left on my to buy list.
All transport has been booked and all accom except london post tour (may 15) has been taken care of. The final itinerary for our tour came through the other day.. so excited!! except.. anzac day at gallipolli.. we're kinda sleeping out in the wilderness.. yikes!! no tents brrrrr.. its gonna be freezing!! hopefully my aussie flag will keep me warm... and yes in answer to your question i am taking an aussie flag to europe with me.. yes i will wear it as a cape to every sporting event aussies are competing in.. and yes i will be drunk.. and probably chanting!! .. continuing the good ol drunken aussie name!! hehe
betsy the ol faithful mirage has been advertised in the paper.. :( .. to sad.. ill miss the many adventures we shared!! but she has to go and hopefully in the next 18 days!
anyways thats my news
.. ps no bon voyage party.. theres no time .. sorry!! peace out punks!!
By the way.. this is not my photo.. but i was at fraser island last weekend.. was sweet as!! 3 days.. kingfisher bay resort (nice!!), chillin and 4 wheel driving.. plus l learnt how to 4 wheel drive on the beach.. yea!! .. so thus explains the pic.
anyways gotta blaze ladies and gentleman... Later Days!!
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