Wow I have more energy than I thought and can actually manage to write two in one go (we will then be up to date and the pics will follow soon).
Although not on the obvious travelling circuit I have been to Bodrum several times and have a lot of friends there so it would be rude not to pop by. Well that was the orıgınal plan but actually we both really loved it so stayed for almost a week. Bodrum has changed a hell of a lot over the last seven years and is now far more swanky than it once was. Dozens of all inclusıve resorts have sprung up and there isn't a 18-30s rep in sight-thank god. Yachts have replaced banana boats and boutique desıgner shops sit in place of the fake handbag stalls. Sadly this change in character has meant several of my friends businesses have struggled to stay afloat and combined wıth the apparent abundance of English wives means that many of them have now left Bodrum for pastures new. Fortunately several still remain and all though now under a new name we spent most of our tıme whilıng away the hours wıth Nıhat at Breeze (he insisted he was always in my diary so will be very pleased that he is on here). His hospitality as ever was wonderful and he made sure we were always well fed and inisted we shared his food.
We did manage to prise ourselves away on several occasions and went on a lovely boat trip, visited the ruins and mud baths at Dalyan and visited the castle and Mauselleum at Bodrum. It has been a lovely mini holiday in amongst the travelling and we have both enjoyed it more than expected - although Gareth now wants a boat!! - and I am sure it will not be the last time we visıt.
That is all for now but I will keep you posted on what we have been up to the last few days soon.
Hope you are all well
Thanks to everyone for the bırthday messages
Laura and Gareth
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