My wifi is real sketchy tonight, so I'm going to keep this short and sweet and will post more later. I'm in Metz and taking an early morning train to Paris to begin my week there. I pretty much declared today a day of rest; I slept 11 hours last night, drove through the ancestral villages one more time, then headed to Metz. Once here, I walked through the city and checked out there famous cathedral, St. Stephen. More on it later, but I will share one story. Metz is very French; I've had to use my super limited French, a fair about of pantomine, and some grunting to communicate. Glad I had this experience, glad to be headed to Paris and back to being one of the masses of tourists.
Leaving the cathedral, a woman holding a baby approaches me and starts talking. I have a general idea that she wants money, but I give her my best "Je ne parle pas francais.' (I do not speak French). To which she replied in perfect english "money!" There you go...there are two international AND money.
More from Paris. Au revoir
- comments
Faith Glad it is going well. Enjoying reading your blog! I admire you! And I want to travel with you sometime. :)
mom Well now that you have all that crap and dam behind you and a good nights sleep you should be ready to go. Enjoy Paris and the masses.