no wrong trains
Flying out tonight at 7:25, CMH to Detroit to Heathrow
Nov 9-14 London
Leave London the 14th and spend 2 nights in the Meuse region of France
Nov 16-23 Paris
Back in Columbus the night of the 23rd.
If you don't know the background, Mark and I had a trip planned for France in September 2011, then came cancer. I've adjusted the itinerary a little bit, and I'm going solo. I don't have much of a plan; I'm just going to go and do what I want, when I want.
Next post: London!
- comments
Kynthia Droesch Safe travels, can't wait to read all about your trip!
Jazzy Love the small bags! Best way to travel. Have fun!!
Sara Pastore I'm so excited for you, Lori!! I'll be thinking of you, keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, and I'll be looking very forward to following your adventures. Mark will be enjoying the journey with you. Hugs to you!
C.R. Barclay You are going to have such fun. I am very excited for you.
Judy Froling Have a wonderful trip! Looking forward to following you on your blog!
Elaine Stevens Will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers - have a wonderful trip. Looking forward to following your travels.
Doug Warthen You go girl! Can't wait to follow your adventures. Have fun, be careful, don't take candy from strangers and if you run into a situation where you're hesitant on what to do...what the hell, you only go around once in life! Do Mark proud cause he's sitting on your shoulder saying the same thing! Godspeed my friend!
Ron and Barb Bruner Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy and know that Mark is with you every step of the way. Anxiously looking forward to your daily blogs. You Go Girl!! and have FUN, FUN,FUN.
Cindy Aiello Ok, you invited......but I am jealous now!!! Have a wonderful journey!
Diane Have a great trip Lori! Looking forward to hearing about your adventures. :)
Nila Have fun Lori and take pictures! I will follow along-- and so will Mark. Have fun for all of us!
Greg Have a great time.
Lisa Smith You go girl! Be safe and have fun; I'm sure you will have a wonderful adventure.
Margie B. Have fun Lori and be safe! I look forward to following you on your journey!
mom and dad Lori, So excited for you. You are definately the adventurous one in the family. We know you will have a great time. Can't wait to hear more.