Why doesn't anyone else write messages here?? Well we haven't heard from you for awhile and i guess that means you are having a wonderful time. I have given jonathan heaver your phone number as he is flying to brisbane today... maybe for good(?).
Not much news here... Oakington quiz night on saturday and Maria and I are doing the cooking. Talking of food what do you want for your first meal at home?
Well best get going... have fun.
Lots of love Mum xx
Hello girls
So... you've moved onto Oz. If its half as enjoyable as New Zealand you're in for a cracking time. Does the Easter bunny come to Australia?
We are heading off to Anglesey tomorrow and meeting Rona there- the forecast is snow! So as you swelter in the heading we'll be shivering here.
No exciting news here I'm afraid. Have lots of fun.
Wow!! all looks and sounds amazing. How come gap year travel wasn't invented when I was a nipper (?) Never mind this ol' girl is going travelling when she retires (if she still has a brain that functions and some money).
I just can't imagine what the sky diving was like... actually I can and it sounds far too terrifying.
Keep on having lots of fun girls.
PS remember not to eat too much junk!! and please- no tattoos!
Lauren C
Heya! Just looked at all the photos! Where are all those guys appearing from?! And how do you know them all?! Thanks for the text, would of txt back but i have no idea how much it costs Email soon xxxxxx
Hi hanna , you look like your haveing a great time, your much missed at work take care and see you when you are backxx
Good to talk to you earlier.Just looked at the photos -there are great. look forward to the next skype call.xxx
Hello girls- looking forward to a bit of news and a few piccies on your blog. You're missing some great weather here with the worst storms of the winter due to hit us in the early hours of tomorrow. Can't say I'm loooking forward to going back to work tomorrow.