I recently finished the book 'Tracks' written by Robyn Davidson about here one women, 3 (and a baby) camel trip from Alice to the coast of WA. I saw the film first and felt there was a grey read I had to get my teeth into. I wasn't wrong. It was fantastic to read something that sounded and felt like a genuine account, no dramatising or embellishing, if someone's exploration of a raw country ad of themselves, even if the layer wasn't intentional. I connected with her descriptions of both Alice and WA as well as some of her sentiments about people and travelling. There are some fantastic quotes throughout the book which made me laugh about my own experiences and also think about things in a slightly different way. It is a book I will most likely be reading again as my trip ends once I have finished adventuring.
One quote that struck me was this...
'I believe the subconscious always knows what is best. It is our conditioned, vastly overrated rational mind which screws everything up.'
It really is rather true when you think about it. Well for me it has been at least. Every time I have followed my gut feeling about things on this trip they've been the most fantastic experience. When I've planned a trip at random or decided to do something,even if it meant going it alone or taking a bit of a risk, it's never disappointed.
It's when you over think,over plan and get ahead of yourself that you can end up disappointed. I have learn that on more than one occasion over the last year.
This trip has definately been a learning experience. I've gained the usual cultural knowledge, general knowledge etc but, as cheesy as it may sound, a fair amount of life knowledge. Generally and more specifically about what I want to do with mine. What's important and that you should do whatever you can to chase and achieve even the smallest of dreams.
People say that it's a corny, slightly pretentious idea that some go travelling to find themselves. I think, like many things, if you don't set out with that agenda you just end up stumbling into it without realising. If you are travelling just to travel,to experience and to see I feel it does change you. For the better as well. It gives you the time to clarify things, to open your eyes, to take in and actually look at your surroundings properly rather than just letting them pass you by as you go about your every day life.
Sometimes you just need to strip back life to the simple. Family,Friends and the world around you. Notice and appreciate the little things and learn to love every second of it, hard or otherwise.
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