Liz and Kathryns adventure
hello all! check me out.. im updating yey!
We arrived in bangkok yesterday and i was extremely tired. We got ripped off by a taxi gettin to our hotel but we didnt care due to lack of sleep! and gettin ripped off in thailand isnt a problem coz everything here is majorly cheap anyway!
Our first nights accomodation was really nice.. all th mod cons! but we arnt stayin there another night coz it cost 15 pound a night and the hotel that we just checked into across the road was 2.50 pounds a night! a bit basic but it has a fan and a loo and a shower and a bed... what more do u need...... perhaps air con but lets not get fussy!
so bankok.... er smelly... u cant go anywer without smelling something it normally goes.. waft of sumthing nice cooking on the street and then 2 seconds later waft of drainige! there are so many stools selling the weirdist things. I dnt really trust the food they cook up but im guna give it a go (so the next update will probably be... spent a week on the toilet!) my last meal cost me 45p! and it was very scrumptious!
we really havnt done much yet. we're goin to koh san road later to find some sketchy sex shows... only jokin but apparently its absolutly mad at night so il try and get some photos on the go. We also wana do the floating market and the grand palace in the next couple of days.
right im offski to buy random tat from the market.... so parents expect a package full of culteral and fake goods thru the post soon!
bye for now.. i will update soon xxx
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