Liz and Kathryns adventure
Hello lovers,
G'day mate!
sorry we haven't wrote for a while we were having too much fun!! But we will be shortly back on track!
Well, as usual wat haven't we been up to... This week saw us in Airlie beach... about a 11 hours coach journey from Cairns but still within the great barrier reef!!
We arrived in Airlie beach at about 12 ish and went to the tourist information to find accomodation! as u do! Wat we left the tourist information wiith was slightly different, it was accomodation but on a slightly different scale!
Airlie beach is famous for a group of islands 72 to be precist called the whitsundays- but why r they called this i hear you ask?
well they were found by i believe some one called White on a sunday! hehehe.....
So, back on track we ended up bookin a tour that left at 4 oclock that day- that we got cheaper because of the late booking!!! woohoo a travellers dream! So, to sea it is!
At 4 we found ourselves on this dirty great big racing boat, sipping wine and enjoying the beauitful scenary! We spent 3 nites on the boat and did scuba, snorkelling and alot of bombing off the side (as a result the legs and bum area are a wee bit sore as to be expected really)
I also never thought i would hear myself say this but i did some more scuba and saw sharks, stingrays and lots of nemo's!! And Dolphins!
We spent a couple of hours on one of the nicest beaches in Oz!! with pure white sand!! It was awesome!
now we r back on land, for the first time really in about a week if u include r cairns adventure!
tonite we leave Airlie beach and head about 15 hours down the coast toooo Fraiser Island were hopefully we will chill out for a couple of days!!
hope everyone is well, just to make u slightly more jealous not sure if it is physically possible right now but the sun is still shinning as always!
big love to u all
keep up the message board writing!! its AWESOME!!
lots of love kathrynx x x x
Just before i go i have some bad news to break to all r fans!! Liz got her camera wet on the boat trip and it is no longer working so i am not sure if there will be any photos anymore as we have no lead for my camera and no camera for liz's lead!! hopefully we will sort sommit out!!
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