Great videos the kick boxing was nearly has good has Tom.
Well do'ne on passing your diving exam's (hope you never bump into jaw,s) .
Drinking beer out of a bucket !!! will it catch on at the Brick ?
Love mum & dad xxxxxxx
Hi sis
Looks like you are still having a great time. I hear you have started your scuba diving course, Great isnt it. How was the full moon party ? (Did you start howling at midnight ??). By the way you owe me a new carpet when you come home. Tom and Josh are trying to eat everything with those chopsticks you sent them..
Joan Smith
Hi Liz,
Sooooo glad to hear you are haveing a great time, enjoy every minute of every day.......Joanne's looking forward to seeing you in Aussie.
Look after yourself, Love Auntie Joan and Uncle Gary xx
Auntie Joan and Uncle Gary xx
hi antie liz
thanks for the prezzies they are awsome, when you get home we can have a chinese meal And use the chopsticks and see who is the best (me!!!!!)
love Tom xxxxx
Mum & Dad
Hi Liz,
Never mind watching the sun set update your blog, the pic,s are great do'nt bring that cat home but nelli can come if she will fit in your rucksack, glad you had all those jab's before you went . ( that river looked a bit grim).
Love you
mum & dad xxxxxxxxxxxx
Cath Rebecca Jack Ian
hi Rebecca says thank you for the cow boy hat. Just come back from yet another football match with Jack, it was lovely and hot !! not. Had stew and dumplings for tea proper food.
Sorry for telling everyone you are now 30, had to get it in one more time.
Take care .
I think it's now been mentioned enough, how old I am dont you!!!
CATH, NICK IN FACT ALL OF YOU CHEEKY PEEPS This is not an invitation to say it even more!!
Anyone who does not know my age i'm 26. It's true honestly
Uncle Benson
too many people now know I have a 30 year old niece, !!!!!!!!!!
not good when i tell everyone I am only 34 myself
sat here with the jealous head on again , wish I had done it when i was 30 , only 4 years ago ( haha )
everyone in the chambers clan says hello and hope you have a fab time in hong kong
take care
benson, jackie, abbi, bren , and nelly munsterlander
Hi Auntie Liz
Can you write Tom and josh in chinese?
Did the frogs taste nice (yukkkkkk!!!)
Joshua Says "Are you haveing a good time and stop eating frogs"
Love Tom & Joshxxxxxxxxxxx
Jo Quarmby
Hey Liz
When do you arrive in Sydney? Call me when you get here 0414 608 518
Take care and have fun!
Your bestest cousin Jo x x x x x x x x
looks like you are having a fabulous time, can you bring us home a baby panda and some ducks feet!!
been to commy today we are all missing you!!
speak again soon
martin & julie xx
Mum &dad
You have only been go'ne 2 week 3 days and your drinking tea and eating ducks feet what next ???