Look out OZ here you come!! You certainly had the time of your lives in NZ. Hope you enjoy OZ as much!
Edna & Roger xx
Ma & Pa
Hope you remembered to tell Santa you will be Australia .
you know he only comes to good girls not cheeky one's
Sorry it should say BIG
love tom xxxx
A dig hi auntie Liz
I if you didn't see please could you send me all the things you are doing.
I love the presents they are great.
I got tested on me silver in swimming i pasted the first half the second half is next week.
bye love from Tom xxxxxxxxx
Hello auntie Liz
I love my present,s
The photo of you in the boat was good
and the fish was well big I couldn't belive my eyes
lots of love josh xxxxxxxxxx
Just thought I would point out that my hair is Stawberry blonde not ginger!!!
Hi Liz,
Great to see some more pics. Seems like your still having a great time (Nearly as good as working in st.helens... not ).
Need a bit more info on the blokes your pictured with please.. (With me being your Big brother and all that !!).
P.s Whats going on with the ginger hair ???????
missing you loads
Nick michelle tom and josh xxxxx
Hi Liz
Just got back from the White Rose !!!!
think i'd rather jump out of a plane.
Love mum xxx
Mum & Dad
Hi Liz
We enjoyed your last set of photo;s.the scenery looked fantastic.You are having a brilliant time on your travels.We had a good time on bonfire night but missed you .Keep putting photo,s on your site.we all enjoy looking at them.Keep in touch
Love Mum & Dad
Hi Auntie Liz
It's AMAZING!!!!!!!!! how you did skydiving.
Be careful of rocks they can be sharp.
What else are you doing please will you e-mail me all off the things.
bye for now tom xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Auntie Liz
Have you had a nice day today ?
Did you have a nice time in the ball ?
Did you bounce a lot coming down the hill ?
Lots of love
Joshua Aiden Chambers xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Edna & Roger
The skydiving looked amazing - though I couldn't have done it! How on earth sam did it I'll never know! Zorbing looks great fun. Your obviously having an amazing time.