Managed to get on to a PC again so thought I better give you all another update since it's been a while and we've done loads.
Once we had settled in to life in Xi'an we travelled to see se terrocotta army which is unreal to think someone made it, just to surround him when he died, and it's even more amazing that it was only found in the 70's. After went for lunch with some of the guys and lets just say it was an expeirence it was a big pot of something that we cook on our table...nice!!!! Tea wasn't much better Lulu ordered and we ended up eating duck heels!!! Yes thats right DUCK FEET they eat anything in china!!
Next day was back to the train and we thought our luck was in, as we got upgraded to a soft sleeper, but o we're we wrong it was minging and we had 16 hours of it. spent most of the time in one of the other cabins playing cards. Arrived in chengdu at about 5am and dropped the bags off at the hotel then straight to the Panda's.
The Panda sanctuary is fantastic the have a rite cushy number. I made a donation so got to have my photo taken with on of the Olympic mascots for next year, there fur is not soft like you would think and we had to wear some funky glove's and slippers before we went in. Also saw some baby's which were born on the 18th August.
From Chengdu we moved on to Leshan by bus to see the Giant Budda and yet more walking then chilled out with a little boat trip. Left Chengdu for Mt emei by bus should have been staying in a monastry but one of the monks had died so we went to a little hotel, that night we had a birthday party for me and David (another guy on the trip) Lulu had arranged a birthday cake which had our chinese signs on, bless her it was brilliant. She also got us a well nasty drink, but hey couldn't say no could I he he!
The 4th September and my brthday!!! A very strange way to spend my birthday but good anyway. We started early with a bus and then a cable car (eyes shut all the way to the top) once at the top there was a about 60ft golden budda at the top, then after a quick cuppa green tea to get warm (freezing upthere) it was back down again to start the 8k hike to our home for the night (a monastry) the walk wasn't too bad and luckly no monkey's tried to steel our water which we got told they might do!! At the end of the hike was a few steps to get in, well when I say a few I mean 1199 to be exact. Managed to make it to the top and then got shown our room which was next door to the temple. At four in the morning it started...the chanting bell ringing drum bashing and o my god it was sooooooo loud. Next day the journey started back down the mountain and I decided to do the long walk which was a 5 hour hike I was a little tired to say the least, so it was off to the hot springs we went and o did I need it until I found out that hot springs stink of eggs hahaha got used to it after a bit though.
We have just arrived in Chongqing ready to join the boat for the trip down the Yangze but I think I have wittered on for long enough now so i will give your eyes a rest and i'll be back to update soon.
Love liz x x
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