This msg board is starting to look like my family tree!
Hope you've had a safe journey to KL and have a great time there.
Lots of love to Lizbet and Sneer,
Hello Liz and Cheryl,
This is your electronic christmas card...
Wishing you both a merry christmas and safe explorations in the new year.
Looking forward to seeing more photos.
Take care and have fun,
Rosemary (Gavin's gran)
Hi Liz
Photos look great. Wishing you and Cheryl a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. We will have all the family here at some time over the Christmas so it is going to be great fun with the little ones. Hopefully my new kitchen will be done by then!! Take care both of you. God bless .Pauline
Hi Liz,
Thankyou for your email and the photos. have had email probs so could'nt reply. Becky and I are round at Clare and Richards, and between having cafe latte's and expressos from the new coffee machine, and popcorn from a new monstrosity of a popcorn machine, We are checking out your web site. oohing and aahing at the photos. Hear you have been diving again today, hope you had a lovely time. I know I complained about you two not keeping us all updated with your journals, but where has everyone gone on your message board! Get them told. Love to you both, take care. Annette x
Becky And Joshua
Hello Liz and Cheryl, hope you girls are having lots of fun in the sun!! just had a look at your photo's from when gav was with you - looks totally fab! - wish i was there!!! Gav tells me that you have been doing some diving - sounds amazing!! have a wonderful christmas and new year you two! - love to you both, take care x x Big kiss from joshua x x x
Hi Cheryl & Liz just been on the ringo sight looking at your photos they are reallu good, glad to see you are still enjoying yourselves and Liz is keeping up with her sleeping! Keep enjoying yourselves. Love MUM XXX
Hi Girls, just to say have really enjoyed the photos and I am sooo Jelous seeing you on koh Tao as I was there too not so long ago! I would love to be at another Moon Party and i am positive you will have the most amazing time. Hope the weather is still nice and hot and I can see the tan coming on nicely now! Have fun and stay safe love Cath xxx
Hi Liz and Cheryl
Hope you have enjoyed your week with Gav, I think he will be In Abu Dhabi now. I was surprised to get a text from him at Bangkok airport, we thought he might not come home. It seems like you two have been away for ages already. Enjoy the rest of your time in Thailand. Keep Safe
Love Richard & Clare xxx
Us Three
Hi Girls ( and Gav!),
hope you are all ok and still having a great time. i guess Gav will be on his wany back now; can't wait to catch up with all of the real stories about what you've been up to! We're all fine, getting sorted gradually, really missing you Liz,
Love S, S & J xxx
Hi girls
I have managed to have a look at most of the photos....there seems to be an awful lot of drinking going begining to wonder if you actually have seen much in the way of daylight!!!!
D, D & K x
Rach And Daz
Hey Guys!
Hope Gav has got ther ok! Enjoy your time together! Have a fun week Gav!
Your photos are fab keep them coming!
love raquel and desmond!
love ya both!
Hi Liz and Cheryl,
Richard spoke to Gav just before he boarded at Abu Dhabi (cant spell ) so the flight was on time. Hopefully he will be nearly there with a suitcase full of goodies. Apologise to cheryl as I still have her christmas card here, you will have to share yours. Hope you have a fantastic week and the weather improves.
Take Care
luv Richard Clare Shaun Becky and little bump