Liz and Cheryls Amazing Adventure!
Hi Everyone,
Hope all is well back in the UK? Thank you for all the lovely messages it is great to hear from everyone!
Well we have had a bit of a better day today, the nasty shock of actually realising that we are away for a full year is finally start to set in! The hostel is still an absolute hell hole, but at least we only have 2 more sleeps to go, and then we are off for our beach holiday in Vietnam where hopefully we will be in a nice cheap Hilton or something along the lines...!
Today we have had an educational day by going to the space museum and the Hong Kong gallery of fine arts, this was quite good although that beach cant come soon enough!
At the moment we are sitting in a cafe overlooking the Island of Hong Kong and it is an absolutly amazing view!
Fortunatly we havent had anymore police knocking on the door at 3.30 in the morning doing random passport checks so thats a bonus!
We still havent had much chinese cuisine yet, but at least today we have had our first piece of fruit and no chips from Mc Donalds! Tomorrow we are off the make the most of the city, and then roll on sunday for our treck up into mainland China!
Hope everyone is ok and not missing us too much!
All our love Lizbet and Cyril xxxxxxxxxx
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