You've been hanging around with sweedish girls hey - how 'convenient', i bet they were 'really nice' girls and you 'really' miss their nice 'personalities'. Good work BGL - keep camp-ing it up!!!
Eya chris look's like your having a really great time in oz. Is the food nice over there because you look like youve enjoyed it ( maybe itz being on the piss for weeks mate). Have fun i wish was there love kayleigh X
livo, any UTA yet or wat?
You manage to avoid that massive cyclone in cairns?
what's the latest mate, be good to hear from you.....drop me a note
Ha ha ha, Don't think you should admit you had some 60 year old Tidly Wink in sexual positions!!!!
Good Pics BGL! Is it toooooo hot for Knitwear out there i take it?
Ps Keep the emails coming! Good reporting!
Murph, Harland + Graham
Please dont wear they blue vest thing ever again......
Mate, don't tell me you have come all this way to just drool over the talent from your own continent. What the bloody hell is wrong with ya? All you have to do is admit that Michael Vaughn is a t*** and you'll be fighting off the oz ass like Tufnell facing Warne. Cya Wenzdee!
Surf dudes with attitudes kinda groovy laid back mood, sky above sand below good vibrations, feeling mellow, dont wake me uuuuup, dont wake me up if I'm dreaming!!
I am really pleased that you finally had a cheese and tomato roll after travelling to the other side of the world (thats what OZ is all about) - Keep up the good work! X
Harold Bishop
He took loads of picture's of me, He insisted i was naked though?!?!
Whoooooop the Norwegian Stripper! Sounds like you're having a good time! Did you see Harold Bishop??