Saturday morning was a GOOD morning for bargains. It was my last day in New York, money was getting a little tight (+ I'd had to cancel one of my cards!), so I decided to stretch my dollars as far as possible by paying a visit to some of the op shops on the Upper East Side. These op shops (consignment or thrift stores as they are known here) are where all the rich Upper East Siders' fancy, once-worn garments come to die…or find a new home in the hands of a 20-something Australian student with considerably less money than the original owners! :D I managed to pick up a gorgeous, blue Calvin Klein shirt for $15, a red designer dress for $20, a jacket for $15, & 2 pairs of Nine West shoes for $15 each! Not too shabby! Now I just have to work out how to get this all home…but hey! Home stretch now, & I figure at 15 bucks a pop for GREAT shoes from a very expensive brand, I will damn well figure it out! :P I also just found out that the theme for my little bro's 21st is "Op Shop Posh" so I guess I'm all sorted for that costume now! ;)
Trying to get back to the hostel was a bit of drama…I took the wrong train - twice! There are "local" trains, which stop at every stop, & "express" trains that only stop at a few. I took the express by accident, twice. So each time I went zooming right by the stop I needed to get off at. Really would've been quicker if I'd walked home…Anyway! Dropped off my purchases & raced back down town to Times Square for the Mary Poppins Broadway matinee. I got a great deal on tickets through a website the week before & couldn't resist seeing one of my favourite Disney movies turned into a stage show! :)
It was SO good! The stage show included most of the songs from the movie + a few new ones. The set was amazing, with all these levels of the house at No. 17 Cherry Tree Lane that popped up & down, layered over one another. During the "Step in Time" number, Bert got lifted up on wires & walked all the way around the frame of the stage, stopping at the top of the frame to dance upside down! Then at the end of the show Mary Poppins got lifted up & flew right over the audience all the way up to the back of the theatre - SO cool! Really awesome way to finish off my time in NYC :)
That evening, due to some cash flow issues & lack of access to a currency exchange establishment, I dined (ever so fancily) on an apple & a bag of pretzels haha Fortunately for me I happen to love pretzels, so things could always be worse…ah the things we do when we're traveling! :)
- comments
Jasmine Liv - You'll have to tell me about this website for the matinee broadway show! I'm hoping to catch at least one when I'm in Manhattan. And was that Op Shop really good and recommended? xx