Well it's been 5 months - 155 days to be precise. I've been to England, France, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Sweden, Norway, Scotland, the USA, & Canada…16 countries all up. And 31 cities: London, Paris, Blois, Bruges, Brussels, Barcelona, Nice, Cinque Terre, Rome, Sienna, Positano, Chamonix, Interlaken, Munich, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Split, Dubrovnik, Stockholm, Oslo, Milan, Padracus-Badir, Edinburgh, Dundee, NYC, Boston, Vancouver, Port McNeill, & Whistler. I've caught up with 12 old friends & made countless new ones :)
Now THAT is pretty awesome :D
Here were a few of the high (& some, but nowhere near as many, low) lights…
My favourite place: OK now this is a tricky one, but people always ask so I've given it some thought & I think I've got it narrowed down. My favourite place in terms of big cities is probably NYC (with Paris a close runner up). My favourite place for pure fun is Euro Disney (what can I say, I'm a true Disney girl at heart!). And the place I probably loved the most on this particular trip, was the Dolomites.
My favourite meal: Goulash & Hungarian dumplings - I've never had it before, & it's not the kind of thing I'd eat regularly…but man, when it's good, it's GOOD!
My worst meal: The TERRIBLE strange stew stuff that Nigel & I had in Chamonix when there was a set menu at the chalet & no other restaurants open in town. OK, so I didn't technically taste it, but from the look on Nigel's face when he did I am pretty sure that was a good thing.
My favourite show: I saw Chicago, Mary Poppins, Shrek, & Wicked, + a few other concert kinda things…but I'm gonna have to go with Wicked. Particularly because of GA-linda :) And yes, I have bought the entire soundtrack off iTunes & will be listening to it on the plane ride home.
My best night out: The Ceilidh in Edinburgh. Despite falling flat on my ass & mortifying myself immensely it was enormous amounts of fun. We should really have more dances like that back home.
My lowest point: When Kelly got burnt in Nice - not fun. Fortunately I am pleased to report that she has healed well with minimal scarring.
My best purchase: The nude, practically new, GORGEOUS, round toed pair of heels that I picked up at an upper east side thrift store in NYC for $15. Yes, my bargain hunting op shop skills are awesome.
My favourite hostel: The hostel in Positano. Wonderful staff, great balcony with killer views, AND two King Charles Cavalier puppies - it doesn't get better than that.
Now when I say "favourites" - that's really a bit of a stretch…because how exactly do you choose between a meal at the coolest restaurant in Paris where a scene from Sex and the City was filmed or a dinner of Italian home made pizza & Sangria on the cliffs of Cinque Terre overlooking the sea? Or between an awesome nightclub in Prague with a light up disco dance floor & an underground burlesque bar in London that serves incredible cocktails. You can't really.
I have so many happy memories to look back on & I've had a truly wonderful time. I hope you've enjoyed following me along on this big adventures as much (well almost as much :P) as I've enjoyed having it. I will see all you lovely back home in the land down under VERY soon!! :D
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