two things first...sorry to all those who got link last time that my photo's had uploaded and hadn't (lets just say Ayuthaya's internet speed isn't exactly wi-fi-broadband-super fast-ADSL-connection jargon so it refused) and to those who have commented that my spelling is entertaining... my excuse is going to be the keyboards (and possibly a teeny bit of human error!)
After spending another day in Kanchanaburi, decided it was time for change and headed for Ayuthaya-now being the new stinge that i am..i saw the opportunity to save B200 so decided to go on public bus- what an adventure! Word of warning though, if you have longer legs than me (not that hard) your knees will be going through the seat infront, you bum WILL go numb, the thai rap that my bus driver had a thing for will be stuck in your head all day, and the bus is from prehistoric times (even older than Paihia schools bus!) that i've done it i'd trade that for any AC minibus filled with sweaty tourists anyday! Only on the public do you get vendors selling you stuff at every stop, thai kids to keep you entertained, and a lovely school girl who after much sign language and map pointing walked me all the way to my next bus i had to catch (which i can tel you i woulnt have foudn without her!)
Once arrived at Ayuthaya i automatically loved it-if you just minus the dogs around every corner that like to show you their dentistry work along with a nice growl (kinda scary but no incidents!) Now i'm not usually into my history and old ruins but this place was awesome! The ancient city had remains that were huge! And what was even coooler was that the city is technically an island (its surrounded by a moat!) Went on a boat tour around it in evening which was real cool, and EVERYONE waves! Now something to shock anyone that knows me, at my guesthouse in the evening (which had the lovliest owner ever!) i played badminton. Now everyone knows i have no sporting skills and am unfit, but in 35 degree heat- i hardly lasted 5 minutes! But was real fun all the less-mainly because you had to jump out of the way to avoid being run over by a motorway while making sure you don't fall in the gutter ever 30 seconds!
Am now in Chiang Mai (which is a city i really love now!) and got here by night train- also awesome experience! Shared my booth with this Thai women who prodded me at every land mark she though was good and indicated i had to take photo (i now have lots of blurred trees to remember her by...). She also insisted on sharing her dinner with me even though mine was on its way...whatever i was eating (a reddish-brown meat with rice and chilli sauce) was sooo good!-but to be honest i don't want to know what it was... Sleeping in train was really definitly neat- was too excited to sleep!
So now in Chiang Mai and tommorow im off to do cooking course-when i get home, providing i become a Thai master chef tommorow, i promise to be thai cook for evening and whoever wants can come round and see what my skills will be like!
Thanks for all the emails! Definitly keeps me going!
P.S ok..anyone who's used sta blogs before PLEASE email me how to put up photos! (you know how you get three choices, well i have to use 'basic uploader' but it never works! :-(...and using their resize thing didn't work either....aaaaah!)
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