Tuesday 30th October
Today was a travelling day, to Quito in Ecuador... We had an early flight out of Cusco, with a 1 hour change in Lima... When we arrived at Cusco airport, very early and still half asleep, we were told the flights were not leaving because of bad weather.. to top it off we were told we´d miss our connection in Lima and have to wait 11 hours for the next plane to quito..... as you can imagine we werent happy... but then the check in girl realised the flight to Quito was on the same plane we were on from cusco so we wouldnt miss it... phew!! the plane left about 2 hours late, so we had chance to grab some breakfast... At Lima we had to get off the plane, do a lap of the airport, pay $40 airport tax each for the privaledge, and did actually nearly miss our flight because tom left water in his bag going through xray!!!!!! grrrrr.... Anyway, we made it to Quito a couple of hours late and headed straight to our 4 star hotel we had treated ourselves too :o) (later to become our 2nd home!!!). The Eugenia hotel was beautiful and friendly, and right next to Burger King, which made Tom VERY happy!!!!! We decided we´d head to the shopping mall and were directed to all the small ones before finding the lakesides and bluewaters of Quito!!! To Toms delight Quito is like a mini america, full of macdonalds, burger kings, and his favourite..... KFC... our first meal in quito was as you guessed, KFC, where tom stuffed his face with a 3 piece meal and a twister wrap, just because they were 50p!!!! The shopping malls were great, and we even found ABERCROMBIE...... I´m in heaven :o) After window shopping we went to the internet (our 3rd home!!) and spent 2 hours updating our blog, which then came up with some fatal error message and wouldnt update.. Not impressed we headed back to the hotel and consoled ourselves with episodes of Two and a half men and friends and ER, on est a viendo.... warner channel!!!!!!! (personal joke!)... It pissed down with rain that night so we decided to have dinner at Burger King.... oh soooo classy..
Wednesday 31st October
We treated ourselves to a lay-in in our posh hotel then headed out for a day of chores.. We had to pay for our rain forest trip we´d booked which was proving a nightmare. The online booking wouldnt work as our bank thought it was a fraudulent payment, so we had to find the office and pay in person... What else could we do for the rest of the day... hmmmm, shopping again :o) Tom brought out half the abercrombie store and i brought... nothing... We found a TGI Fridays for lunch (told you it was like america, you even pay in dollars!!!) and took our laundry to be cleaned ready for the jungle.. we found another internet cafe nearby and spent most the day in there, til it rained AGAIN (rains every day at 2pm)... So yet again we needed to find somewhere local for dinner that night... Burger King... Tom decided to treat himself to a quadruple burger and took it back to the room and scoffed the whole thing, the chips, and half of my chicken royal!!!!!!! Bellys gonna get ya, bellys gonna get ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was another night in front of warner channel, being entertained by Two and a Half men and other american trash shows!!!!!
Tuesday 6th November
Today we were moving into Inga´s apartment with her for a few days before we flew out to Rio. We woke quite late and met inga in the hotel for breakfast. After packing all our worldly goods into our backpacks we got a taxi and headed to the ´old town´
Wednesday 7th November - emergancy apartment hunting with Inga
Thursday 8th November - the middle of the earth... or was it!!!!
Friday 9th November - rain rain rain and bank card not working
Saturday 10th November - thermal springs (finally)
Sunday 11th November - fly quito to panama, panama to rio
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