England, UK Feb 12, 2007 Hi everyone! I'm back. My phone is not working so if you wanna get in touch email me! Or call me at home! Cant wait to see you all! xx
San Francisco, California Feb 6, 2007 Hi Everyone, Thought i would just let you know as i'm coming home soon and everyone keeps commenting... It saddens me to say i am NOT as brown as i look in my pics any more. This is due to being in cold weather for the last two weeks!!! Hope everyone is all good and i will see you very shortly!! Lots of love, Lisa
San Francisco, California Feb 1, 2007 Hey guys, So really gotta get some pics on here now! I'll try in a min! Free internet! Great! I'm gonna be on here all the time! :-) Ok so LA was good! Magic mountains was fun but there was so many high rides and we were hoping for some small roller coasters as well! Dawn got a little annoyed as she wanted to go on the high fast ones and me and Maz were too scared but finally we manged to gain courage and go on some high ones! One we thought was low and...
LA, California Jan 28, 2007 Hey, I know i only wrote an entry not long ago but I have some news!!! I flew into LA fine and couldn't find Dawn we must have kept missing each other so after about 40 mins she comes round the corner and it was so fab to see her and then we walked to find our shuttle bus and who jumps out at me saying "fancy seeing you here" Marion!!! Yep it was fab to see them both i couldn't believe that Maz was here as well!! So we talked non stop al...
Waikiki, Hawaii Jan 25, 2007 Hi!! Hows it going?! Well I thought i should make a bit of time to write another journal entry as i haven't for a bit and i'm about to leave Hawaii! Yep i know it's all going so quickly now! So what have i done?! Well a hell of alot of sunbathing! I figured i really should try and get a tan! I went to Pearl Harbour which was really interesting it felt a bit weird standing on the sunken ship of the Arizona though! I've met two lovely Canadi...