Lisa's travels
Just spent three days on Fraser Island it was really fantastic. It is the largest sand island in the world. We all got the chance to drive on the island in this massive toyota land cruiser. It got a little hairy at times especially when driving at high tide. We got a really scary talk before we left that proper made you s*** your pants. The guy was telling us how it was called the isalnd of hurt and would probaly all come back in helicopters because we would roll the van. I am here to tell the tale so it obviously wasnt that bad!!! WE took the barge to central station on the first day where we went on a 2.6km hike to basin lake, which was just gorgeous a beautiful green lake due to the tea tree oil. We spent an hour here swimming. We then headed to lake Mackensie one of the top ten beaches in the world you could see why when we arrived the bluest water and the whitest sand. We spent a little to long here so ended up hitting the beach at high tide so had to drive through the soft sand. Once driving up and down the beach a few times we found our camp. WE sat up a while drinking goon and looking out for dingoes!!!
On day 2 i took the wheel and we razed it down the beach to the shipwreck where we took a few photos and then headed on down to indian head we saw a couple of fisherman who donated us some fish for the barbie and i had my photo taken with a shovel headed shark. Once arriving at indian head we climbed to the top and had the best view of the island where we saw dolphins, whales and stingrays. We then headed on down to the champagne pools were we took a quick dip before having lunch. We then drove down to the campsite and spent the rest of the afternoon at the beach on the sand dunes. We drank goon all night.
We got up early on day three in order to fit everything in and not miss the barge back. We needed to leave and arrive at indian head before high tide. WE then went floating down eli creek which at high tide can be dangerous if driving!!! We then headed to Waddy lake which is green due to eucalptus. What a walk that was through a km of dessert and sand dunes it was great to take a dip when we arrived. WE then raced it back to the barge. We drank all night but not goon!!!!
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