We arrived into Darwin a lot earlier than expected as we had to get a flight (costing a whopping $420 each) as there were no cheaper buses. We had 6 days in Darwin, and were not sure what to do except that we wanted to see some Crocs and visit Kakadu National Park. Our hostel was quite nice and we had two swimming pools and a spa. Although Darwin is in its rainy season we got some great weather in the first couple of days which consisted of us lounging around the pool!
We ended up deciding that Kakadu was far too expensive for what it actually was you were getting and thought we would go for the much cheaper option of Litchfield National Park with a Jumping Croc Cruise all for a third of the price. Litchfield NP was ok, a few nice waterfalls and the Termite mounds were huge and quite cool, but in general it was a bit disappointing! We felt there were much nicer places in NZ and SA. The Jumping Croc cruise was really good fun though, seeing 5metre salt water crocs leaping out of the water for food that was dangling over the edge of our boat. You really got to see how big and fast they were! It was all a show for the tourists, but the Crocs do actually jump, but you just never hardly see it in the wild, so the boat just tried to show you this!
On our second day in the hostel, we got a load of our food stolen by a group of Estonian guys who were living at the hostel long-term whilst working. Our food went missing which we told reception about, they didn't seem to bothered and said there was nothing they could do, so like crazed-idiots we decided to empty everyone's shopping from the fridge and search their bags (cash was getting tight, and we wanted that Spag Bol for dinner). We found it in another bag, so Ben went flying round to the room that the bag belonged to, but there was no answer at the door. So we resorted to telling reception again who found it quite amusing and said that the guys would be thrown out. As you can probably read, Darwin was pretty uneventful, this along with watching the Australian Open for 6 days non-stop seemed the highlight of our 6 days here. Oh and Lisa wanted Nadal to win, then was gutted and changed her mind after she saw Federer crying, ooohhh he's cute! Oh and they didn't get thrown out, so it was rather uncomfortable for a few days, especially after a mini-argument in the kitchen!
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