Sadly we were rapidly running out of time in SA and so we were left with 2 days in Santiago. So we wanted to make the most of them, we picked our highlights. One being the Museo de Archealogica something or other which had thousands of old artifacts dating back to pre-Columbian and the main draw card, more mummies or as we are fondly calling them on our travels....dead people...woooh! Sadly when we got there, no dead people, we were massively disappointed but wandered around the museum anyway. Our other thing was the cable car up into the mountains which had spectacular views over Santiago and sadly this was closed due to maintenance, boo hoo!
Luckily for us though we had some post to send home, mainly xmas pressies so we had a lovely day and a half visiting the post office attempting to send our parcels. The people here are probably the most
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