Friday 24th November
Off to Zambia today to the Victoria Falls, early start once again flight leaves Nelspruit at 07.50. The plane was a Jetstream 41 prop plane (37 seater), it was a bit cramped and noisy. Picked up the next flight at Johannesburg to Livingstone (Dr, I presume). Within 30 mins of landing we had cleared immigration, picked up our battered luggage and were on our way to our hotel at the edge of the falls. Our first sighting at the hotel was zebra grazing on the front lawn. We didn't realise that the hotel was set in a game park and there would be several wild animals roaming about. After the last few days accommodation being a bit on the down to earth side, the Zambezi Sun Hotel was just sheer luxury but very expensive (a bottle of still water costing $6.50). An electric golf trolley took you and your luggage the short distance to your room. A 5 minute walk took you to the falls but this time of year is called the low water season so they were not as fast flowing as shown on most photographs, they were still spectacular though and the edge seemed very close. An enjoyable evening buffet meal, with the waiters hovering over you to pull our your chair every time you moved or to put your napkin back on your lap when you returned with your next course. Nice comfortable room with NO BUGS OR BATS.
Saturday 25th November
First sighting of the day, zebras outside our bedroom window, Ron was taking pictures of the zebras and left the balcony door open, Linda just managed to stop a money (with baby) entering the room. You are warned not to leave the doors open as the monkeys will come in, but you do not expect it to happen within the space of a few minutes. Our highlight for the day was a helicopter trip to view the falls (cost $90 each thanks Specialist Plant). What an amazing sight, lots of gorges have been cut out of the land due to the force of the water over 100's of years. The Zambezi river creates part of the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe, with the helicopter you get to view the falls from both sides. We also saw hippos and elephants in the Zambezi river, a really memorable occasion. Later on we cooled down at the pool and about 30 young local children appeared to play in the pool. It's great that the hotel opens up its facilities to the staffs children, they had so much fun.
Sunday 26th November
Here we are travelling again, flight to Johannesburg and then an overnight stay at an airport hotel where we are hopefully going to use the internet to download all this info for everybody back home. Goodbye Africa, hello Asia.
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