Thought I better update you all again just to say I'm alive after todays bloody antics!!!
So the pic for this blog is about where i was sittin today.... bolocks i hear you say and yes thats about exactly the same as what i said when they showed me where i was going!!!! I don't really think swimming along the top of victoria falls was on the 101 things to do before i die.... maybe the 101 ways in which i could die but definately something i'm never going to forget.... oh yes and did i mention the same bit of water your swimming in has hippos and crocs.... there was me thinking i was brave going in a boat in the same water..... silly me!!!!
Sitting on the edge of the falls was pretty amazing but thats was just the starting point as that didn't have s*** loads of water with a bloody strong current coming directly at you.... the devils pool is where i ended up... bloody aptly named if you ask me cause only a devil could have thought that folk would want to swim there to relax in a pool o water.... anyway you swim across a strong current about 30ft from the edge with the water pulling you directly towards the 360ft drop to the river gorge below you..... nice thought eh.... then you get to some rocks you can stand up on then the guide says ok so we jump in this pool and the rocks at the edge will stop you going over the edge.... at this point all you can see is water going over the edge and me going ok whatever you first!!!
Short story is the rocks do stop you... just but the current keeps pushing you backwards and to top it off just when you have your feet propped to keep you balanced and stop you from going backwards to the edge along comes some feckin big fish that start to eat yer bloody toes.... cue some quick movements to shake them off which does feck all for the balance.... thgis is shortly followed by "ok take tyhe bloody pics cause i'm out of here"!!!
Not one to take my life for granted.... I go walking with lions in the afternoon..... interesting experience when they are near fully grown and you get a stick to hold to point and them and say no if they look like they might pounce on ya..... oh yes and the stick thats more like a feckin twig.... can see its goin to make a bloody difference eh!!!! Ten minutes in and we get to stroke them and take pics.... oh maybe not that one i don't think she's feeling very sociable.... just what i wanted to hear!!!! So more dark pants moments and more there's a good p**** cat and i've had an amazing days that i won't forget in a hurry but I'm still trying to figure out how the hell you can get burnt through factor 50+.... little red robin hood is more like little red robbo at the moment!!!
Away into no mans land again tomorrow travelling up through Zambia for a couple of days then into Malawi for crimbo, will be pretty different this year in high 30's on the beach in fancy dress drinkin cocktails but I think I'll cope. Merry Crimbo everyone for when it comes and all the best for 2010.... xxxxxx
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