Ok, ok, so I can't type. The willies reference was meant to be wellies but you all know that and you're just being cheeky!
I will be adding a big blog in the next few days. I swam with dolphins this morning which was AWESOME!! Quite possibly the best thing I have ever done in my life. We were in the water playing with them for around an hour. Water was bloody freezing but the adrenalin wasc pumping so didn't notice. More to follow on that when I get a chance along with photos and video footage from my snazzy waterproof/shockproof camera which does (thank God!) work. Oh, and also went whale watching yesterday and saw 5 giant sperm whales. Amazing things.
Just at ferry terminal now heading back up to Wellington for a night then it's R&R tomorrow for a few days as I relax at Jeanette's up in Tauranga.
Prepare yourselves for some jealous reading in my next post!
Linda xx
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