This morning they actually cleaned the salt off the outside of the windows, wow, what a difference! A bit disappointing that it's taken them until 4 days before the end of the cruise to get around to this. Given the nature of the cruise, the time of year and the fact that the majority of the passengers are are about 110, one would have thought that ensuring there was a clear view through the windows was a pretty basic requirement. In the preceding months prior to this cruise, I had an app on my iPad counting down the days to embarkation. Yes, you've guessed it I've got one now, counting down to disembarkation! Lol. Another very interesting lecture this morning by Ecologist, Eric McVicar on The Effects of Climate Change on Arctic Norway's Terrestrial Species. Went on a visit to the bridge and like everything else we do onboard we were crammed in with loads of other people. Ok, back to yet more cocktails whilst waiting for another 6 course dinner followed by even more drinking. The highlight of our evenings are listening to the Carmen Dup (as pictured on today's blog) playing classical music on piano and violin. After dinner this evening the monotony was broken by watching Wales beat France in the rugby. There was a late night buffet laid on tonight where they displayed some very cleverly carved fruit and vegetables, then there was a fine display of a feeding frenzy by a load of gannets! Where the hell do these people put it?
- comments
Diana Lol sounds like a barrel of laughs hehe xx