Calgary, Alberta, Canada
April 25th, 2014, 6:00 am
GUESS WHO'S BACK! That's right! ME! I'm back on my travel blog! Only for a short time, though. My parents and I are headed to San Francisco for the weekend! I've never been to the states (other than Florida when I was like, 9 years old) so I'm really really really excited!
Waking up this early was brutal though... Especially since I'm used to waking up at around 10:00 am every day... We had to get up at like, 3:00 am in order to get out of the house at 4:00 am. Our flight leaves a little after 7:00 am, and we had to be here about 2 hours early. You all know the deal, I'm sure!!!
I dragged my sorry butt out of bed and managed to get out the door in time, thankfully! I'm convinced my dad would have left without me if I hadn't!
I'm a little worried about what I packed... I've got shorts and sandals in my suitcase, but the weather is telling me that I should have packed winter clothes! The forecast says that there will be showers and snow, with a high of like, 14 degrees. And it gets worse- the day we leave, it's supposed to jump up to 26 degrees! :/ URG!!! Just our luck! Keep your fingers crossed that Mother Nature decides to change her mind about the weather! :(
Well, I'll keep you all updated on how it goes! It should be a nice little get away from everything. And a nice trip spent with my family!
Bye, bye, Calgary!!! Hello California :)
Love always,
Lindsay Lehr
- comments
Gramma I'm glad you're doing this, Lindsay. Your blogs are always interesting and I'm imagining I'm there with you, as you describe it all. Have fun!!!! xo