Hi Chris, Paul and Andy! Great to hear from you. Everything is great here. We're really enjoying ourself. It was so worth all the hard work. The taxi journey to Jaipur was a little hair raising. But pretty cool to go over 250 km and pay less than 15 pounds each. It was absolutely awesome to see the country side too. Camels are used as heavy goods vehicles! We also saw , monkeys, donkeys, boars, bulls, cows, goats, exotic birds..etc. The hotel is absolutey awesome. Take care and spaek to you soon. Love, Lin and Phil
Phil & Linda
Hey Rich,
How's life treating you? Can't say I'm missing work too much, but could you say hi to the team? India is wicked!!! guess where we've just arrived....??? The Sheraton Palace in Jaipur. Not bad hey?? They were surpised when we turned up with our backpacks. We're treated like royalty though. All the best, Lin and Phil
Hey Ben,
Great to hear from you, having a wonderful time in India. Hope everything is good with you. Have you started your company with your sister yet? Just to let you know a tuk-tuk is a very small, dangerous 3 wheeled motorised vehicle that zips in and out of the traffic without a care in the world for anyones safety! but there cheap so we like them.
kram Linda.
Hi to you both, looks as if you both are having a wicked time, enjoy it all, Rich
Tja Linda! Nu blir man riktigt avundsjuk p? dig!! Fast glad att du tar chansen o upplever allt detta. Kul o l?sa era upplevelser, keep it up. Ha d s? skoj och forts?tt h?ra av dig. Kram Ps. Tuk-tuk? Vad e d?
Mum And Dad H
Hi Phil and Lin
Glad to hear you're getting around and seeing all the famous sites. Sorry to hear of your stomach problem Phil - did you take the immodium tablets? It is absolutely freezing here today so we are very jealous of you basking in the warmth. We will ask Andy to download the photos so that everyone can see them.Do the hotels provide safes? You will need to keep on your guard against all the 'scammers'. Take care. Love to you both xx
Hej Mamma och Thomas
Kul att ni har hittat hit ocksa. Allt ar bra har. Vi har precis varit och besokt Taj Mahal. Otroligt pampigt och vackert dar. Men jag tycker nog anda att Agra Fort var minst lika bra. Efter Taj Mahal sa gick vi till en restaurang som hade serveringen pa hustaket. Vi hade en helt otrolig utsikt over Taj Mahal som bara lag 500 meter langre bort. Inte daligt alls.
Otroligt att ni fortfarande har sno dar hemma. Har kommer det antagligen inte ans regna under tiden vi ar har eftersom det ar vinter har nu (anda 30C).
Marlene Och Thomas
Hej Linda och Philip! L?ste just ditt mail Linda ang?ende att indierna fotograferar dig (Du kanske ska b?rja en modellkarri?r i Indien Hi Hi.) Det var sk?nt att Ni h?rde av Er och att Ni har det bra. I Sverige ?r det fortfarande sn? och kallt -10 grader C idag, Brrrrr. Jag vet ju att du inte gillar minusgrader s? du har det s?kert sk?nare d?r du ?r, hade g?rna bytat med dig. Hoppas att Ni nu f?r det trevligt p? br?llopet och vi ser fram emot att f? se lite kort snart. Thomas h?lsar ocks?. (Sorry, Chriss, Paul, Andy and Philip. I now I shoud
write in english but my english is not so good and the spelling is worser so i hope Linda translate it for you.)
Kram Marlene
Philip And Linda
Hello Mum, Dad and Andy,
Just replied to your email. Sorry about the pictures Andy but its so difficult to upload any as theyre all 6 megapixels in size and we cant seem to download the software available to decrease their size so they can be uploaded quicker...any ideas?
You'll be surprised to hear that i didnt take any of the plane! Sorry dude.
Were currently in Agra, went to fort yesterday, hired a very good guide which made it really interesting. We are off to the Taj Mahal this afternoon too. Then onto the wedding tomorrow.
Take Care.
Phil and Linda.
Hej Martina och Gustav!
Kul att hora av er. Vi har forsokt att ladda upp bilder pa hemsidan men vi har misslyckats bagge ganger. Vi ska forsoka hitta ett internet cafe med battre bredband. Har ar ca 30 C vamt. Valdigt skont. Var och kollade in Agra fort i gar. En helt magisk plats med ca 25 sma palats inuti. Vi hade otrolig utsikt over hela Agra och Taj Mahal. I dag tankte vi ta en tur till Tal Mahal. Hoppas det blir lika bra. Grattis till jobbet forasten. Kul att allt har gatt sa bra.
Mum And Dad H
Hi you two
You've only been gone 2 days and we are missing you so very much. We have just sent you an email with lots of questions for you to answer. Glad to hear things are going well so far. Linda - keep checking on Phil to make sure he doesn't leave things behind!
Keep applying the suncreme - we are looking forward to seeing your suntanned faces on screen soon.
Much Love, Mum and Dad xx
Martina & Gustav
You Lucky, Lucky b******s......
Good to hear your trip has begun and that you are having a nice time. We envy you.... a lot...
At home here in Lund Sweden we have +1 degrees and snow, not as nice and warm as you. We'll get back to you about Perhentian when you get closer.