Hej Linda o Philip !
Var inne o kikade på alla korten, helt fantastisk. Detta antar jag
att ni kommer att komma ihag resten av livet. Vad fin du var i
de indiska kladerna Linda. Du var fin ocksa Philip. Var du inte radd for att stalla upp i Elefantpolo Linda och hur bar du det at for att gora mal i detta och fa pris? Men du brukar ju fixa de mesta sporter hur du nu bar dig at.
Kram Mamma
Mum And Dad H
Hi Phil and Lin
Just seen your photos. They are fantastic - some real flair shown with the camera work, or is it just the new camera? Linda looked beautiful in her sari -just like a princess !! You looked pretty good too Phil. The wedding photos are breathtaking , you really are so fortunate to have witnessed such a wonderful occasion. Did Rashis parents talk to you ,did they seem pleased that you had attended ?Did they like the gift you gave them? Looking forward to seeing the prize you received for the elephant polo Linda. It looks quite something to treasure !
Did you not get a ride Phil ?
You should really be appreciating the sun because its freezing here and it even tried snowing today !!!!
Missing you millions but so thrilled you are enjoying your holiday .Take care, looking forward to your next update and photos. Love Mum and Dad xxxx
Hi Lin and Phil,
Wow!!! You seem to be having an absolutely amazing time! I'm so jealous!!! Been logging on every day to see what you've been up to, and looking at all your pics..i'm starting to get itchy feet..! Going to work in a minute in the Costa del Scarborough...will be thinking of you guys in that lovely sunshine! Tak care of yourselves...Jodes xxx
Phil And Lin
Loads of new pictures available - click on 'our photo albums' on the right hand side.
Phil And Lin
Hi Mum and Dad,
Could you please give Tom more Imodium, Insect repelant, and vitamin pills. Other than that I think we should be fine. We're in Jodhpur now. Quite polluted so we've decided to move on to Jaisalmer tomorrow. We're off to see the fort this afternoon. Should be good hopefully.
x Phil and Lin
Mum And Dad H
Hi Phil and Lin
Glad to hear your tummies have settled. Can't believe they serve fish and chips in India! You are tempting us to visit India with your descriptions and photos (so far). Pleased to hear that Tom will be joining you. Is there anything you would like us to give to Tom to bring to you? e.g. Immodium Instants? Let us know. We have had an exciting weekend clearing out the garaage and gardening. No, we haven't dared throw anything of yours away Philip. Andrew is going paragliding in Spain on 18 - 25 March - he'll tell you more about it. Thrilled to hear you are having a great time. Keep in touch as we log on daily for the next installment. Love Mum and Dad H xx
Till Alla I Sverige: Jag har forstatt att det ar inte alla som vet vart varan dagbok ar nagonstans. Detta ar inte dagboken utan bara anslagstavlan. Dagboken hittar ni genom att klicka pa 'our journal entries' i den hogra kolumnen. Sedan valjern ni i den hogra kolumnen vilken stad och fran vilket datum ni vill lasa. Om ni har problem att hitta sa kan ni e-maila mig. Linda
Linda And Phil
apparently some people cant understand why we are not writing more info about our travels. We are, this is just the message board. The journals are posted in the 'our journal entries' section which is on the right hand side of this page. Click on it and youll find all our journals to read under each town/city.
Hi Everyone,
Sitting here at the internet cafe watching the monkey's jumping around in the threes outside. Quite different to the environment at home. Messages to some people:
Martina: You can write in any language you fanncy ( I always translate for phil). It's just great to hear from you. Do you still have snow at home by the way?
Andy: The Elephant polo was awesome. You should have been there. There's still time to quite that job and join us you know....
Mamma & Thomas: Hoppas allt ar bra med er dar hemma. Har nu ca 100 bilder att lagga up pa hemsidan men jag letar fortfarande efter ett stalle dar jag kan gora det.
Chris and Paul: Don't worry about the tummy bugs. It's not that bad. Just at bit annoying really. We do miss your food thugh.
Take care,
Phil And Linda
Hey Mum, Dad and Andy.
Dont be scared the tummy bugs seem to have subsided!
now in Udaipur.
Message from Lin to Chris - Thanks so much for the medical kits - we couldnt have done without them.
Hello sweet-hearts, sounds like you're having fun at the wedding, la-de-dah! Don't eat/drink too much though - clearly they were going to let you play horse polo until they saw the size of you and thought elephants were a better option... It's loads of fun here in Harrogate, you're really missing out by going travelling you know.! Take good care, see you in 5 months.
Hello Linda and Philip,
I hope you had a good time at the wedding. Take care and have a nice time.
Det var kul att se korten och att hora i fran er kan inte bestamma vilket sprak som jag ska anvanda så jag skriver lite pa bada. Det flyter lite battre pa svenska dock, kanske inte sa konstigt... Men ovning ger fardighet.