Day 17-22/5/18 Tuesday
I woke up in pain, but relief! I woke up in pain because when we went on the bike ride around Uluru, my legs got REALLY sore! I woke up in relief because I was in an actual bed, spread out and really comfortable!! ( I was not next to Cam and Stuart!!!) After a while mummy made us do school work and journals. But... I got to go and play first because I finished first! I went and played on the jumping pillow and then my brothers came! So we played with our new friends: Izac, Tallia and Caleb.
We played bull rush and had a competition who was the best gymnast.
(They used to do gymnastics)
After we came back and got dressed for the waterslide/pool.
We went in the pool with our friend. Then we went on the water slide!! Caleb blocked the slide so we couldn't come down lots of times but then Tom and Izac came and pushed him down!!
After a while we came back, got dressed and went to the jumping pillow and then had dinner.
- comments
Jessica Passe Hi Lil hope you and your brothers are having fun on your trip. (away from school) you would probably be the best gymnast (your the best i even know of) Love Jessie