After hearing amazing stories from other backpackers Owie and I decided to fly to Borneo. We arrived in Kuching to find a pleasant city located beside the Sarawak river. Kuching means cat in Malay so there were serveral statues of cats located around the city. We spent a a couple of days looking around Kuching and trying more local food. Owie eat frog legs which suprisingly tasted like chicken and I ordered a fish which is what I got. Literally I received a whole (warts and all) fish on a plate. In Kuching we also met up with Owen's cousin Pete and his wife Laura who by chance were in Kuching at the same time. We spent most evenings together having a few beers and reminising in New Zealand news and stories.
One day in Kuching, we caught the local bus to visit the Orangutans. They live in a big park where there are no cages so they are kind of wild. Every day they are feed and the public are invited to watch them feed. We managed to get in front of everyone so that we had the best viewing spot. The Orangutans are much like humans (some people more than others hehe), the simularities when they walk and eat stand out. Its easy to see where the idea of evolution came from.
After a visit to the national park's office we arranged to stay in Baku National park. Baku is about an hour and a half away from Kuching. You can only get there by boat so we caught a little boat down the river. Along the way there were several warning signs that crocodiles called the river home so we really did not want to fall in! Apparently there have been 90 deaths since 1930 from crocs so there was no way I was going to go swimming.
Baku National Park was an awesome place to visit mainly because of all the wild life there. On our first bush walk we came across two bearded wild boars. They just walked straight past us and did not seemed fussed that we were there. Later at base camp we discovered that they were everywhere. At one stage there were at least 15 wondering around where we were staying. Owen started calling me the hog whisperer because I could just walk up to them and pat them while they would run away from everyone else.
Baku most famous animal is the Probocis monkey where many tourist just come to catch a glimpse of them in the wild. We went for a 7km walk across the national park to try and spot one. Chances of seeing one were growing slim as we were about a km away from camp and still had not seen one. However, we heard a rustle in a tree and there was one looking down at us. They are defifinitly curious creatures as we found ourselves just sterring at its weird c*** like face haha. The next day we were lucky to see six more up close in the trees around our camp.
At nightime Owie and I went for a night walk with a small group. We quickly learnt that we really should have being wearing shoes as there are many creepy bugs that roam the place. All of which are highly poisonous and can cause life threatening injuries including cobra snakes. On the way we were really, really lucky to see a flying lemur. Flying lemurs look half possum/ half bat and they glide through the air. One flew straight past us and into a tree. According to the guide, one has not been seen for two weeks so we were pretty fortunate to see one.
After Baku we decided to head up to Miri so that we could fly to Mulu National Park. It took us two full days to get to Miri. We had to catch a bus and boat to get there by land. What we really should have done was fly directly to Miri from Kuching which probably would have worked out the same price. Anyway we arrived to Miri just in time to fly to Mulu National Park the next day.
You can only get to Mulu National Park via a 40 minute flight so as you can imagine the place is pretty remote. Mulu National Park is home to the largest caves in the world where over 3 million bats live in one single cave. We stayed in a 20 bed room where we only had the very basic needs (our toilet didnt even have a seat). We stayed in Mulu for four nights. We went through many caves, all were pretty impressive.
After spending six weeks in Malaysia, I think it is a pretty cool place to visit. I enjoyed it a lot more than Indonesia and want to go back.
Next stop Thailand!!
- comments
Nic Winton I've was waiting for the c-word to appear in your blog!
Lily haha it is meant to be c*** lol not the other one