So... Back in Bangkok now had a mad time in Samui loved it and so did Our Karen.. I never mentioned the chilli pizza argh Oh my god well with me being so fussy I ordered Pizza but only with a little bit of tomato (as always) It came back full of tomato chunks blah so I apologised and asked for just a little bit of tomato sauce eventually it came back looked amazing was going to take a massive bite but flet like they were all watching me so I didnt and thank god I didnt.. my mouth was on fire chilli man I was cryiong and burning even the waiter tasted it and he needed to drink water I couldnt belive it and wasnt hungry after that lol..
Not been bited as much as I thought I would be considering I normally get eaten alive but I was il for a couple of days being sick from both ends haha may have been slight food poisoning or sun stroke I dont know but I had the same sunburn on my shoulders and chest for 3 days so it prob was sunstroke.. orrible I hate being sick!!!
Went on a tuck tuck last ngiht he was a crazy driver going down the wrong side of the road thought was going to die, we didnt do any karoke together but we had a few songs in the taxis we have been in.. its so hot in Bangkok and the luxury has now gone, I am in a room that costs less than a pizza its literally a bed wit a mirror and a fan hahaha oh well I have gone well over budget in Samui so I dont mind.. Took Karen the airport this morning she got her teeth whitended she has wanted them done for ages glad they have been done now. Am well going to miss her but atleast i wil be on a budget now.. I have just booked to go to Krabi on Sat dunno how long am staying there for as gotta fly out of Singapore to Bali o the 3rd so i have about 2 weeks to get there shud be fun!!
I am stayiong on Koh San Road its mad full of travellers not really spoke to many people yet not had the chance really.. Not sure what I will do tomor might get a day trip out to some where i thinks..
My Flip flops have died on me now I bought then in Sydney about 4 years ago and they have been to loads of dif countries with me and been in so many seas and now alas they have gone my trusties :( I am so so gutted they aint even that nice just black plain cheap ones from k mart hehe but they are the best and comfy but when it rains I slip and fall over hahaha never mind I am sure I will find some new ones soon **sigh**
Right I am far too hot sitting here typing so shud update in krabi.....
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