Wats up sis! I see ur having a great time! Coming up to xmas so going to be fun wen we brake up. Well it looks like the weather is better there than here it is really cold!!!!! Well better be going sorry for not speaking to you the otha day! have a good time sis!XXXXXXXXXXXX
Mandy And Tony Cairns
Hi guys!! Nice to hear from you - twice in one day!! Welshys, you are really sweet, but you do talk a load of crap!! Ha Ha Ha!! Love you lots Mum and Dad xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mandy And Tony Cairns
Hi everyone, including welshy's and the luke's, glad you had a fantastic time on fraser island - even if you were pissed most of the time. Your blogs are really funny always make me laugh!! glad you got some heels Jordan, I did tell you to take some!! Mummy is always right!! Keep on having a blast and try to cut down on the Goon - only kidding - go for it LARGE!! Lots of love to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hope you guys are having fun! Totally pissed as per usual! Hope your tan is looking good! xxxxxxx
Hi Katherine. How are you? Sorry I haven't left a message sooner, it's been hetic! Anyway you look like your having loads of fun. School is not the same without you! It's pouring down with rain - well it has been for months now. Missing chatting to you. Take care, stop out of the sun - you are looking for too brown! Elle xxxx
Molly & Lois
Hi lois is round mine and was looking at your pics she wants to say hi...........
hi tom and Jord, missing u and i hope your haveing a good time i like the pics thay look great!!!! love Loisxxx
this is molly speaking and i just like 2 say cheeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeey and its peanut butter jelly time bubi cya soonbye lots love molyxxxx
Mandy And Tony Cairns
Hi Jordan, Tom and girls. Just read latest blog. Had me in stitches. Looked at photos and "Panda", snorkel really suits you!! Looks like your having an amazing time still, glad to see you are all looking really happy. Great news about the phone number, really helps the phone bills - JORDAN!!!! - Well, keep laughing and drinking - in moderation of course - Jordan and Tom, saw Auntie Di and Jenny down the town on Saturday and they send their love as does everyone else, lots of love Mum and Dad xxxxx
Mum And Dad
to jo's mum thanks from tom mum. tom nice to here from you have a nice time tomorrow site seeing love always xxxxxxx p.s phone you Friday.
Jo's Mum
To all family and friends of The Globetrotters. Now that they are in Australia they can receive calls for free. If you are dialing them from a land line and you put 08719 995995 and then follow the instructions calls will only cost us 10p per minute. If anyone can find a better deal let me know.
hiya tom and jordan! missing u both loads! been kept updated thanks to aunt mandy sounds like ur havin a really good time! cant wait to see u both have a good time in austraila :) lotsa love xxxx
Mum And Dad
hi tom got Tex all fine back here . car done had a great weekend had peanut and charlie saturday. peanut dad and l went to a party to she had a great time.love always xxxxxxx
hello tom and jordan glad to hear yous are having a great time. cant wait to see more pics though! missing you like mad now tom at work ive got so many fags!!! ha. the shops nearly finished its looks really nice sharon cant wait to show you pics, and she is doing coasters of everyones face including you. im going to be an auntie again! carleys due on the 25th of may how mad you will still be traveling. missing you loads love you lots beck x x x x x x x