Hi Katherine and gang hope ur havin fun!! Started rugby this week which was good fun! bt unfortunatley skl has been borin is saw u had a great tim on the tuc tuc.The new laptop and broardband is great u would love it lol. well Stay Strong Stay Smart Ben xxxxxxx
Mandy And Tony
Hi Jordan and all, fantastic news about little charlie, Panda - belated birthday wishes, keep those pics coming I love looking at them all!! Jordan won't be leaving message until I get to Turkey and use DJ's laptop as I am lending mine to Josh as his internet won't be on for a couple of weeks, so I'll text you instead. Take care everyone and lots of love and keep safe Mum and Dad xxxxxxxxxxx
Mum, Dad, Ali & Ben
Hi Katherine, the tuk tuk ride did look a little scary. I think I'd need a drink before I went on it. New pics look good. We'll email you later. Take care. Love you, from Mum, Dad, Ali and Ben xxxxxxxxx
Mum And Dad
hi tom evey thing is fine with baby charlie coming home wednesday 10september well stay safe love always mum dad xxxxxxx
Grandad ^ Grandma Loud
Watching the video has to be worse than the actual Tuk Tuk ride!!! Felt as if I'd been on the booze with you. keep enjoying yourselves. Lots of love, Grandad and Grandma xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Uncle Dave In The Usa. (For Jo)
Hi Jo and gang. I hope you are all having fun and staying safe. Don't eat too many scorps on a stick or an octopus sandwich hehehehe. Stay safe all. Have Fun!!!
Uncle Dave in the USA.
Auntie Tina
hi tom and jordan! really sorry couldnt come to your party, because my mums not to well. love you loads and i know ur having a good time because your that kind of people, only wish i was 30 years younger and i would be with you!! thinking of you loads all my love and kisses auntie tina xx
Steph And Karis
Hi tom hope ur all well! pictures look well cool hope ur aving a gd time im just at urs and ur mum sent me on here! enjoy urself and keep them pictures coming everyone sends there love love ya xxx
Paula Mitch & Kids
hi tom and jordan sorry we missed your party lecky said it was really good.we got back friday and everyone loves your uncle mitches teeth hehe! love looking at the pics and following your journey.we all send our love have lots of fun keep safexxxxxxxxxxxx
Mum And Dad
hi tom and gang nice pictures . rain rain and more rain nice to now some one has sun shine well good night love always xxxxxxx
Char,mich,karis And Baby Char
hello thomas,hpoe u are all well waiting for more pictures hope ur all enjoying yourselves.karis has had a virus but is fine now back to her normal self bless her! baby had his injections on tues didnt like the nurse after that but hes good now love u loads xxxxxxx
Lauren Tidd
Hi Jo!! and everyone! just looked at ur photos! looks like ur having a wicked time out there! im Jelous!! Hope ur having lots of fun!! xxx