Cycling, hiking & footy have been a theme of the summer... that & plenty of catch up drinks!!
Appreciating the surrounding countryside near my home town, Harrogate. It's great to have the freedom of the bike! You can travel quite a way without realising! Soooo much more satisfying than running! You get further & see more for a start! Best investment! Bicycle Diaries...
Made it across the waters with my mam & dad to the Emerald Isle.. Co. Mayo & a couple of nights stay in Westport. The reason for this trip; Irelands most Holiest Mountain - Croagh Patrick! Soaring majestically over Clew Bay and the surrounding countryside of Co. Mayo, rising 2,500ft, Croagh Patrick attracts millions of visitors every year. On "Reek Sunday" alone, approx. 25,000 pilgrims climb the reek to the small white chapel at the peak.
We set off ascending into the cloud along the very steep "pathway". The loose rocks make walking very difficult! My mam was very determined to be successful this year, having reached the halfway stage the year before & she was looking great... A big red face! But full of energy!
The finally part of the climb was very steep and had no obvious route up the loose stones, but it wouldnt be the same achievement if it was easy! And then there we were, standing at the top of Croagh Patrick! Cloud all around!!!
My mam was.. emotional! Until I told her it was no good being emotional up here as you need to catch your breath, not lose it!! A very good achievement and one to definitely feel proud of...
As we descended the clouds broke amd we were treated to some spectacular views across Clew Bay. The colours were stunning, the clouds reflecting on the water was magnificant. An excellent adventure!
Roseberry Topping was the next hike.. A smaller Croagh Patrick! Roseberry (or raspberry as my mam calls it! ha) Topping is situated near to Great Ayton. & we couldn't have picked a better day to climb! The sun was out and we were treated to awesome views across to Redcar. A good climb, one which even the old man made it up! Was another good trek...
Fun times back "home" for summer...
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Mam X ; ) Love your blog Emily! XX