A Christmas treat! An up-grade to a "posh" lodge for Christmas complete with swimming pool & A journey to remember!!
We set off from the wonderful Jaipur to Jabulpur via Aeroplane, which in true Indian style was delayed! Christmas Eve! Sooo excited, sat having a not so exciting airport breakfast!
Arrived in Jabulpur and greeted by "Dumb & Dumber"! Our drivers who were responsible for driving us to our lodgings... First stop, lunch! I was starving & was very excited that lunch was included in our first day on Tiger Tour... Or so we thought, however it was clearly our fault the flight was delayed so we had missed lunch & were then in danger of missing dinner due to Dumb & Dumber having absolutely no clue on how to get to Infinity Resort! A brilliant start which left us slightly concerned about our chances of Safari!
Driving through an incredibly busy Jabulpur and surrounding villages which seem to really come to life in the evenings. It was a great drive... The expected 4 hour drive soon became 6...
A stop for Chai! Amazing! Served from a small roadside hut, this really is the best way to drink chai! So despite our awesome drivers lack of direction, we were of course still having a great time experiencing all that is India! The roads are crazy no matter where you might be, we were on our way to quite literally the middle of nowhere & the driving was still dangerous!! As the night drew in Sarah & I began to grow more concerned about Dumb & Dumber, who were now being guided! It was incredible, our guides were being guided! Brilliant!
After a few more stops to request directions we finally made it to Infinity resort! & WOW... Greeted with a refreshing towel & amazing juice! This is the place we had hoped for for our Christmas break!
Settle into the room, shower (well Sarah skipped her shower, smelly!) then dinner!! Buffet dinner... My favourite!!! Yes I will try all of your dishes! You might think that after 2 weeks in India you'd be tired of eating curry.. NO! I couldnt get enough of it! The food really was incredible! All the flavours.. WOW!
A cheeky beer.. Not too many as it was Christmas Eve & Father Christmas might make a visit!
Christmas Morning! Wooooop! Soooo Excited! A sneaky "Stocking" (Thank you Sarah!) A great start... Buffet Breakfast! Sunshine! Pool! Merry Christmas! A tiger now would've made it the best ever.. But this was pretty good!
Infinity Resort was set on the outskirts of Kanha National Park, which meant that we really were in the middle of nowhere. Amazing on an evening to sit by a camp fire listening to all the sounds.. Good to get away from everything!
Great to finally get some consistent Vitamin D! Sunshine! Safari all sorted for Boxing Day too.... Despite Monks & Monkeys being exactly that! Monkeys!! A terrible company who had some of the worst ever customer service Ive ever come across! & had absolutely no idea what a Tiger was... Ha.. But they managed in the end to arrange 2 Safari's...
We almost saw a Tiger.. Apparently! Ha.. But maybe December isnt the best time, as we were so enthusiastically told before we set off! Brilliant come back in April & I'll almost guarentee a sighting! But not now! Ha...
I wasnt expecting to actually see one, I mean its a wild animal... Although it seems that they place Owls in trees... Ive never seen an owl, especially not late morning high in a tree in the wild...
Both Safari's offered something different. But it has to be said that if you've ever been on Safari in Africa, this just is not going to cut it! Spoilt in Kenya & Tanzania!
Had a wonderful stay in Infinity & really enjoyed the Safari, being in the wild is awesome! Being away from the hustle & bustle was also well recieved! A very very good Christmas... Now to start the New Year celebrations!
It was the job of Dumb & Dumber to get us back to Jabulpur Airport, well Dumb as Dumber had disappeared! But "Marco" did a great job getting us there in time... Flight delayed! Due to fire on the run way! A suposedly controlled fire! You do begin to wonder why they would do it at a time of their one flight secuduled that day, but hey this is India!
Next stop Bombay!
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