Lianne's Travels - the story so far..!
About Lianne
My dive was at 9am so I was given a talk and after about 5 mins we were walking along the beach with our kit on ready to dive. In the shallows I had to practise the breathing underwater until I was comfortable and then we moved out further. I thought I might freak out but was completely fine - strangest feeling that you can just breathe awa…
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I've started this site so you guys can check in when you like to see where I am, what I'm doing, have done and more importantly so you mum can stop freaking out and see I've updated the site recently so must be OK!
I'll keep the blogs as up to date as poss and upload photos when there's a speedy computer around.
Don't forget to keep me up to speed with all your goings ons! You can post a short message in the message board tab or click on the Contact t…
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Chiang Mai, Thailand

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Sydney, Australian Capital Territory

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Christchurch, New Zealand

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Manta Ray, Fiji
My dive was at 9am so I was given a talk and after about 5 mins we were walking along the beach with our kit on ready to dive. In the shallows I had to practise the breathing underwater until …
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