Hey every one hows i going?
After along 24 houres on the bus from Rio to Foz do Iguacu my ass was complity dead.I now know what it would have felt like if i had deen caugh by big Drake the destroyer and Nastie Nate the plunger in my wo year stint in Arazona county pen.
We went to the falls on Sunday even earlier than what we though because we forgot o put the clock back an houre.the falls were spectacular.We were droped off by bus at he top of the walk,adout five minits into the walk we kame accross a Racoon in the middle of the foot path.We werent alowed to feed them so i offered him a smoke he said yes,so i sat with him and we shared one as we wached the falls.(there wil be fotos).The path led down to lots of different view points were we took lots more pics.
Foz its self is small but realy nice and its a fair bit cheeper.An all you can eat pizza,meet and buffet for 1 pound 50 aint bad.The SAN REMO HOTEL we stay in was the third one we tried as the rest were full it does the job it has air con which is grand.
We lev here to day and head for porto alegre which is an over night bus w2hich takes about 15 houres i cant wate.
Any ways we gota go wil let you know when we get to our next stop.
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