heya everyone!
well we've been in sydney for a fortnight now and i feel like i havent stopped, we've been so busy! we should be moving in to our wee pad in a couple of days. its in the kings cross area which is crazy! we walked back from the city centre about half 5 sunday morning after being out clubbing and the place was heaving with the neighbourhood she-male prostitutes! liam was scared they were gonna chase him.
we've had a good long weekend. we went to the imax cinema on sunday which is huge, the screen is 8 stories high and you get 3d glasses to watch the films. so we went to see deep sea 3D which was like a documentary but the animals were jumpin out the screen! only problem was that we were completely hungover and i had to run out the cimena half-way through to be sick because the bobbing of the sea was too realistic! we also had tickets for the next film dinosaurs 3D but had to come home as i kept being sick everywhere! so hopefully we'll get back one day when we're sober!
after the drama of last weekend in bondi when i lost my camera with all the photos on it, as well as the rest of the contents of my handbag, we had the sequal on sunday when i left my new handbag and new mobile on the train as i ran off at our stop to be sick! luckily we caught the guard and he phoned up the dude on the train and they found it but we had to wait for the train to come back from bondi! liam was raging with me!
other than that, we're no longer bums as liam starts his job tomorrow at the grand time of 5.30am! well thats when he has to get up. i started last week as a charity fundraiser for the heart foundation. yip im now one of those annoying people that harrass u on the streets! its good though, i get to travel to different bits off sydney and theres a chance to see different bits off the country. although i had to stand out all day in the pissing rain which was not so fun.
oh and we went to see hostel 2, it was really funny! and it gave me some great ideas about what id like to do to this moany cow in our room!
anyways thats all just now, off to get some ice cream and have an early night
c yas xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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