Now so tiered we can bearly walk down hill, we have to head back the way we came in pursuit of tuoffreville to set up camp..... Some time later we make it as it starts to pour it down with rain! So there we were tiered wet and setting up our tent in the rain defiantly a low point of the day. We are now warm, dry and fed thinking of what to do now.... Do we cheat a little and get a train to Paris or do we not? Currenly we are heading towards cheating simply because of the lack of places to stay on route if we were to walk! Update of today's today's highs and lows; we have decided our high point was lying by a river in France enjoying the sun, oh and finding somewhere to stay. Our low point; walking further than we expected only to have to go backwards to set up a tent in the rain! We are now about to head back to the tent for some much needed sleep! and snuggles! P.s. The pictures are only until we can add our own!
- comments
john payne Early days yet, think positive and you will achieve your goal, highs and lows are to be expected, you have each other thats the main thing we are all rooting for you here. GO FOR IT. Miss you both. Nan & G/dad xx