Ann and EJ's Travels
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Edmonton, Alberta
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Barcelona, Spain

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Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

New blog entry posted
Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

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Machu Picchu, Peru
MARIBEL SANCHEZ como no recordar a mis compañeros de trabajo como el Cubanito asi le deciamos nosotros no saben lo mucho q los extraño ojala algun dia regrese a ese lugar suertespara todos y cuiden lo más precioso que es las rosas. att. Maribel sanchez
re: Sisapamba Rose GardenMARIBEL SANCHEZ que flores tan oreciosas y me ciento muy orgullosa de haber trabajado en sipamba rosas rosas
re: Sisapamba Rose GardenJean Nations finally reading your blog. what an adventure--but sounds exhausting too!! I LOVE the blue footed booby--so cute.
re: Galapagos Islands, EcuadorDwight and Brenda Love I, Brenda, now have the Galapagos Islands on our list as a notable place to visit. The photos of this area are fascinating. We LOVE your blog and pictures with comments. Can't wait to see you once again in person!Be prepared! The temperature with windchill in Edmonton is in the -30 Celsius range. Hope the weather warms up for your return. Safe travels home. Dwight and Brenda
re: Galapagos Islands, EcuadorArlene there is nothing wrong with this blog, very informative.Enjoying your travels.
re: Machu Picchu, PeruBetty What an opportunity!!! Enjoy every moment. We look forward to hearing the stories.
re: Cuzco, PeruArlene Great pictures, amazing how this ancient civilization built their cities. Very interesting. Keep up the good work.
re: Cuzco, Peruarmando and margie Guess you already knew that traveling has its drawbacks, but it sounds like you're trying to be positive. Hope you're over your bugs. we think you're very brave to be doing all this. love and prayers, a&m
re: Quito, Ecuador- last visited

- travel plan
- Tulsa, Oklahoma
Dwight and Brenda Love I, Brenda, now have the Galapagos Islands on our list as a notable place to visit. The photos of this area are fascinating. We LOVE your blog and pictures with comments. Can't wait to see you once again in person!Be prepared! The temperature with windchill in Edmonton is in the -30 Celsius range. Hope the weather warms up for your return. Safe travels home. Dwight and Brenda
Jean Nations finally reading your blog. what an adventure--but sounds exhausting too!! I LOVE the blue footed booby--so cute.