At first, our sleeper car was terribly hot, but it soon cooled down and we all slept well until 8:30 am.
We packed up, ready to arrive at 9:00 am but at 9:08, we were still in the middle of nowhere. We checked only to discover that our arrival time would be 11:15! No great problem, as the train was clean, comfortable and one of the best ones we've been on.
After arriving, we caught a cab for 500 shillings (double the price of Mombasa) to the Parkside hotel and, luckily, they had a couple of rooms for us. We settled in, had lunch and then Barry and Margaret went to the Outpatients Clinic and got a second opinion on Barry's pneumonia because he was not recovering as quickly as we'd hoped. It turned out that the antibiotic he was on was not strong enough, so the doctor gave him another prescription along with some ibuprofen and some multi-vitamins. Hopefully, we'll see a big change in the next day or so.
Afterwards, we returned to the Internet, picked up the kids and then went to our rooms to work on the blog. At suppertime, we went to a beautiful Chinese Restaurant near the Gametrackers office called Kowloon's and had some of the best Chinese food we've ever eaten. We were the only white people there - not strange because we were in the heart of Nairobi, but hilarious because the rest of the customers were Chinese!
Afterwards, we went back to our rooms for a good night's rest.
October 23, 2007
Morning came and we quickly packed and headed back to the Internet. We burned a disc of movies for Joseph (our safari guide/driver) and answered some E-mails, but couldn't update the blog because the site was under construction. Argh! However, this left us with some time to run some other errands before our flight.
We dropped off the disc for Joseph at Gametrackers. We also wanted to buy a Gametrackers shirt for Barry. He teased Carol, the woman who had handled our paperwork for the safari, telling her he was a return customer and that he'd use the shirt to advertise Gametrackers all over the world, especially Australia and Canada. She spoke to her manager and before we knew it, Connor and Barry both got free shirts.
Afterwards, we mailed post cards, bought a Lonely Planet guide to China and walked around the downtown streets of this vibrant city. We hope Kenya gets all the success it deserves. It is just such a great place. Everyone is dressed beautifully all the time and seems very professional and friendly. In downtown Nairobi, the streets are clean, the buildings modern and the greenery breathtaking!
Back at the Parkside, the staff had arranged a cab for us and so we said goodbye to Faith, our new friend at the front desk, and headed for the airport.
Our flight on Kenya Airways was again excellent, although we didn't get to finish our in-flight movie, Fracture. We got to Cairo just after midnight.
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