I have been in San Francisco for 2 days now and i love it! The weathers a bit unpredictable though, was really sunny but incredibly windy today so quite misleadingly cold!!! My flight was a bit shorter at 10 hrs instead of 11. Us immigration grilled me, i swear they asked everything bar my shoe size and i was really dozy too! Took the BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) Train to Mongomery which took about half hour and walked up Montgomery and Columbus Streets to my hostel which took about half hour with my backpack up those hills! Was sweating so much! Got to hostel checked in and that, met one of my roomates, shes from south korea and her english is somewhat limited unfortunatley! Went straight out in search of place to buy a MUNI pass for buses/streetcars and the like and ended up being out for hours. I walked through chinatown where all you can hear is chinese, big surprise?! does no one speakÂ
english here!?! Walked and sat on union sq in front of macys and saks and bought my MUNI pass at market street, 15 bucks for the week and can use on cable cars for 1 extra dollar. Walked through the financial district past bank of california builing i think 2nd tallest in the city and pastÂ
the transamerica pyramid which is the tallest i know this! Walked to Embarcadero Centre and the weird sculpture outside it (took pics) and you can see the oakland bay bridge clearly.Â
Walked past the even numbered piers and the ferry building then turned back down broadway to where i am staying at the green tortoise.
im staying on broadway just on the cusp of north beach and chinatown so you look one way and all you can see is sex shops and the other way is chinese restaurants and lanterns hanging! weirdness!
helped out a little in the kitchen at dinner, this meant i could eat first then get online ha! then i proceeded to go to bed as so knackered....
woke up at 4am wide awake annoyingly. bloody jet lag! successfully managed to get back to sleep. everyone in my room was sleeping and there was 2 people in the room when i fell asleep and i didnt hear the others come in last night so that was good, no snorers...yet!
today i had my free brekkie of bagels and cream cheese and ventured out into san francisco again, i walked to coit tower and went up, only 5 bucks and it has an elevator thank god. built and paid for by a crazy lady who was obsessed with firemen apparently! wonderful views, took lotsa pics. was quite funny there was a woman up there who had vertigo and she was like hanging onto the wall going 'i can feel it swaying!!' when it quite clearly wasnt swaying which was disappointing! stuck a dime through the window bit and made a wish!
then walked to pier 39 passing lombard street, i could see the crookedest bit up the hill, looks really far away! is crookedest even a real word?!
at pier 39 i hopped on a greyline motorised cable car tour by a crazy russian driver, who was hilarious if a little hard to understand, he told me he was from moldovia or somewhere! we went past fishermans wharf, union street, and stopped at the palace of fine arts which was beautiful like a temple and a lake and it had swans oddly.
We then stopped at fort point to get a look at the golden gate bridge from below and then stopped at the golden gate bridge after,Â
such a clear day but was absolutley frozen! so windy! walked a little way along it but didnt have much timeÂ
but i will go back to either walk or cycle across at some point. magnificent view of downtown and the bay and little alcatraz island.
drove all through presidio, where its federal law no one is supposed to live apart from the rangers, bit stupid that seeing as they have so so many homeless people and its so expensive to live in san francisco because theres not enough space to build any more houses as its a peninsula surrounded on 3 side by water!
went through pacific heights, japantown, union sq again and through grant street and the dragon gate thing and north beach which is cool and back to pier 39. i walked to pier 33 to get my ticket for alcatraz tomorrow and then had somehad clam chowder in sourdough bowl for dinner was lush although not sure if i should eat the bowl, it was quite big!
watched a street show on pier 39 with a lady standing on 2 men juggling fire sticks and saw the hundreds of sea lions barking away, which is so funny its like a little chorus! they are so cute though! I want one! the lazy fat b******s, im surprised none of them fall in the water whilst sleeping/sunning themselves on the decking!
walked back to hostel where i am now and theres some kind of free beer thing on this evening at 8pm so im off to that in a bit! keep you posted! xxx
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