i have just had a scone and apple pie!! i know i would probably never do that at home but it as heaven! haha. we arrived in cameron highlands at lunchtime. and i left my book on the bus and i am gutted coz now i'm not gonna know how it ends and colette won't tell me!! (was the new karin slaughter one if anyone ants to let me know???!) they seem to obsessed with tea and strawberries around here and of course scones! tomorrow we are going to a tea plantation. really hope i can get out of all the tea tastin as i don't like it. eugh! just going for the views really!
yesterday and day before we were in penang, starting our malaysia travels. the day before yester was a along day. 8 hours sat on a mini bus as we had to get to the border during the day. i was sad to be leaving thailand and especially krabi with the beautiful islands. and the salt and vinegar crisps we managed to find for colette!! anyway, we got to penang evening and changed our clocks forward another hour. i didn't realise penang was actually an island so we had to get a ferry to it. we went for a wonder around and saw some temples (surprise surprise) and found out we were very close to a mosque. cue the 5am wake up call!
then we went and had food at little india and got a relatively early night. then yester we went to the top of penang hill on a fenicular (it's like one of those trams that goes from the beach to the town centre in scarborough!) all the way to the top with the screamin demon child in the same carriage! not much walking though, thank god! we were sooo high.would have got some ace pics if it hadn't beren misty and i kinda dropped my camera and it didn't work for that entire day so no pics from there i'm afraid (and even if there ere i'm still havin trouble gettin them from my camera onto a computer so it may be a while!!!). there is a hotel and houses at the top of the hill and there as even an english country cottage and a red post box (that wasn't in use). we also did a canopy walk at the top here we walked in the tops of the trees on suspended bridges. as good fun. didn't like it that much as i'm not a big fan of rope bridges as i have a fear they are gonna break and i will go crashin to my death but never mind, try anythin once!!
then we went to a massive temple. by this point was tired and we had to walk up a massive hill and run the guantlet that was the t shirt sellers advertising 3 t shirts for 10 ringitt! the temple was beautiful though and very peaceful. it is one the biggest in malaysia i think. then we went back to the hotel for our afternoon nap (which are becoming more regular!!!). the evenin we took a walk to a shoppin centre or 'mall' and had a look round. they didn't have the new clinique mascara so i got bored after that! haha. fingers crossed singapore airport will have it though!
penang as brilliant. there are so many religions and cultures living rght next to each other. there are mosques and buffhist and hindu temples along the same street. and a lot of the buildings have a colonnial theme to them. and the chicken satay as gorgeous!
moving to KL tomorrow. we are racing through malaysia so quickly that don't really find have time to get to grips with anythin, seem to spend a lot of time travellin!
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