Our trip started in Amsterdam mainly because that's where my bike, Torres was stored. Last year I ended my five-month cycle trip here before I came back to Australia for what was meant to be a brief three-week stint, which ended up being eight months (where my whole life changed, ergo I am on my honeymoon). Upon returning to Amsterdam I hoped to find Torres (the touring bike) where I left him, in the 24/hr underground bike storage centre Paradiso. He wasn't there. Turns out bikes are stored for a maximum if a week. Maybe two if you're lucky. And at a rate of 2€/day. Torres, they attempted to explain was long gone, shifted to the Fiets Depot, a kind a bike graveyard on the outskirts of Amsterdam where discarded bikes go for three months before being shipped to charity. All good and well if you ride a piece o's*** city bike rather than a $3000 Cannondale T2 with trimmings and sentimental value. Not taking no for an answer we schlepped out to Fiets Depot to be told that there was not one Cannondale in the complex system. Possibly in the whole of Amsterdam. Outside the office were 15,000 lost and lonely bikes. Stacked against each other over an area the size of a football field. Imagine the Mooloolaba triathlon transition, multiplied by three. Every bike that goes through the place is registered in case the owner turns up. All three office staff started to search the system, looking at each month's delivery from Paradiso. Then, after a short discussion among themselves, they nervously suggest they may have found it. Maybe. We are led down row M to the bikes delivered in March, due to leave the depot this month. And there, if you can believe it is Torres. A sight for sore eyes. Riding back to the city feels like I've never left. Torres rides like a dream, not a single creak or noise. I think I need to rename him Torres the Wonderbike.
- comments
Hank van Stuivenberg Sensational finding Torres,, Now buy a Lottery Ticket!!!!!!! Enjoy your trip,,,,, I love reading your Blog,,
Bec So good to hear a happy beginning
Doreen As Torres is now a Chelsea player I'm much happier to see you re-united with him
Hank van Stuivenberg Make sure you go to Delft!!!!!!