I swear Belgium is Flemish for s*** weather. Headwinds and random rain storms is the only thing I've experienced since we started. Today was no different. I rode by myself as Wobbly Wheels caught the train as he is still carrying a war wound to his shoulder. But WW was in his element, he loves trains and the faster the better, particularly at 160km/hr.And I was quite happy pushing a headwind through numerous Belgian and French towns, bypassing several patisseries, before reaching Lille, 85km down the road. Finally hills! Including one downhill. Tres bein! What a lovely change it makes to canals, wheat crops and windmills. Everything changes when you cross a border, signs, bike lanes and traffic. There's virtually a bike path from Brugge to Lille and although I enjoy riding in Belgium riding in France is like riding in a big park. It has a different feel to it altogether. And there's only so much beer and frites one can eat (when I get home remind me I wrote that). Ask for a wine list in France and get a novel, order a meal and have the waiter flirt with you in front of your husband, book a hotel room and get a glorified closet. Goddamn I love this country!
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