i know u cant catch fish,who taught u to clean them,u found a rubber ring big enough to keep u afloat xx
Auntie Rachel (Aka Sheila)
Hi Lee
Reading your blogs. Looks like you are having a fab time (awesome, as you say). Really pleased for you, and a lot jealous, long may it continue.
Take care babe
Love Auntie Rachel X
Steve Bougourd
Hi Lee, the blogs are great It's good to hear about what you are doing and It gives me a good insight to Australia. Helen and I might go next year that's If I can get time. Donkey Divers Is really busy now so we are very pleased. The weather is not bad and I am getting through my courses.
Any way you look after your self and keep the blogs and pics coming.
hello lee!
i like reading your blogs, its good to hear what your doing :)
It wont be the same in guernsey when james comes over and you are not there. We cant have a BBQ, get drunk and kill ourselves laughing playing on indiana jones!
I am so jealous of you cos im doing coursework at the mo while you are having fun!
It weird i miss you more cos you are over in australia, even tho i normally wudnt even have seen u by now any way until i got back at easter
i hope your having fun
James says hello
Claire M
Hey Lee!
Its been a while since I've heard from you, Dave gave me the site.
I was just going to read a little... but it was such an interesting read, you distracted me from work and I had to read all the blog entries!!!
Sooo funny about the keys in shark infested waters, trust you eh?! Nothing EVER goes smoothly.
I am disapointed there isn't more pic's to browse through.
Have fun, I know you will!
Speak again soon.
Wooo a mention in your blog! :)
Sounds fun, im looking forward to seeing photos of this flat, do u have any of the really bad murdery place you stayed at? wud be interesting to compare.
Steve Bougourd
Hi Lee,
the caves sound spectacular i would love to dive them ( maybe one day ). I'm looking forward to more pics.
Hey Man, so tell me, what made you do this? what are you plans? are you taking a year out? Did you rent a van and are driving round OZ? sorry for the questions, it is that I am thinking about doing this and thought I would ask how you came to do this.
Hello Everyone!
thank you for the messages and emails, its nice to know the blog is appreciated. I'm trying to email everyone as I go but Its quite hard due to the internet costing so much other here!
I hope everyone is well and enjoying life as much as I am.
speak to you ALL soon!
Ewan Alexander
Good Day!! Wow, I can believe believe a year since boarding in Canada and look at you now! Cheers for adding me on your updates. Great to see big hair do getting some sun light. Maybe need to work on your tan though and drop the wife beater vests, they are so 90's. Anyway mate, keep up the good fight and I will get back to my day job. Feel the love!!.
Be safe.
Hello Lee.
Seems like every other day there is something funny happening to you :)