all ways said u couldnt attract any birds [especially in your pjs] enjoy the islsnd hopping and have a dive for me x
In your PJs!... There is no such thing as an embarrased Lee is there? HAHA U'll do anything for the limelight... entertaining though!
You missed a good party Sat!!! Mine and Daves 21st :0)
Jack Johnson, you sure you weren't listening to him in your car and pictured him next to you mate.
Lisa is jealous your going to the zoo (bless her, she is welsh says it all)
Much love mate xx
Old Man
nice to c your making friends with the wild life no crocs in that pond u were swinging over makes jumping off the tommy rock at bordeaux look a bit tame x
Unkle Andy
glad ur havin a good time monkyin around.
by the way, who is jack johnson!!!
love also from mandy & kelsey
Laura Mitchell
when you say u met jack johnson do u mean u spoke to him or did u really just see him in his car?
Thanks Lee :0)
Sounds like your having a fab time!
More pics soon?
Hahaha I got the sum wrong... OMG!
Happy Birthday Dave?!?! :0/
NOT impressed
Mommy Van Katwyk
Hi my wandering son!
We are sitting here watching a doc on Byron Bay - it looks great, wish we were there too, but I think we might cramp ur style!! keep on enjoying the dream, keep safe, and don't forget ur sun tan cream. love ya loads xxxxx
Mrs M
Lee you are very good at telling a story! Have you ever considered being a journalist!! Ha Ha perhaps you can take it up again when you come home, you certinally have the talent. Its great entertainment reading your blog keep it up and then we can be reassured that you are safe and well and happy!
PS still missing you.
Love from Mrs M
Steve Bougourd
I did'nt know you were a muso Lee, we will have to have a jam when you get back. I bet you enjoyed the rapids, Helen and I did some grade 5 rapids in Uganda, It was awesome.
Donkey Divers is very busy and I am enjoying teaching soooooooooooo much.
Look after your self mate.
Steve B.
ha ha ha nice band, i bet ur awesome lee! will be listening out for it...