So we arrived in Sydney after a long, long, long overnight bus to find it raining and miserable. Not to be deterred we went out for a bit of sight seeing and shopping seeing as we didn't have any clothes suitable for the rain. Had a look around our hostel which had 13 floors, 1 broken lift, 1 partially functioning lift which occassionaly got stuck, 4 saucepans and 3 bowls. Not particularly impressive! The rain carried on all day so we had some super noodles and got and then warmed up in our room with the heater on. The next day we went out to see the opera house and the bridge and a couple of museums. It rained all day agin so no one else was there which was a bonus but it was a bit s***. Spent the afternoon in a coffee shop watching people run around in the rain. The next day we went to the blue mountains. The rain eased up a bit and it actually turned out pretty nice, the mountains were pretty and quite blue. Bluer than most mountains I think. It rained again the next day, we went to bondi beach amidst the downpour and had a quick peak at the beach and then hid in a chocolate shop with some hot chocolate. Sydney in the rain= extremely average!
- comments
Dad Not too impressed then? xx
Siobhan it was alright, New Zealand is where the partys at though. x